Wednesday, Columbus

Well, if you are checking in after not finding a post last night, thanks for your faithfulness. It’s a blessing!
We saw 3 kids come to Christ on Kids Night last night. It was so exciting. We made the decision to load equipment this monring and go on out to eat with the team. Well, we saw our first tornado! How bout that?
A huge storm moved in toward the end of the service, another reason for the delay in loading. We headed out to eat and as we went toward town on Hwy 82 (major 4 lane around Columbus) the rain got harder with tremendous lightning. That’s when we saw it. The ominus funnel. It wasn’t touching down and because of the intense rain, we just weren’t positive but because of the rain and the hail that was increasing, we took an early exit off the road and got under the overpass to “ride it out”.
It was after things began to slow just a bit, that we headed to the resturant to find out that “a tornado had just passed over Hwy 82/Hwy 50. Yep, that was our overpass!
We got back to the hotel around 10 and there was no power in the hotel. Everything was restored around 1 a.m.
Now you know why there was no blogging last night! What a night!

We are headed out to the church this morning to load up. Another large storm is headed in.
Thanks for the prayers,