Wednesday, Salem

It was a great closing night as the altar filled with students praying to be what God wanted them to be and praying for lost friends. One came with profession of faith in Christ.
Thank you for your prayers as all the tech stuff worked well and the weather was great, nice and cool.
Tomorrow we head to Huntsville for the night before driving on up to Lebanon, TN, for the Tenn Baptist Convention R.A. Wilderness Challenge where I’ll be speaking to about 300 boys and their dads on Friday night. I look forward to giving you a report late Friday or early Saturday morning.

Tuesday, Salem

Fun night and a good crowd. We were back in the tent with a little over 80 people in attendance. We didn’t have any public decisions but the spirit was good.
God kinda demonstrated who was in control. Got a little chuckle from it all. We got to the tent to set up everything and got it about ready when I was told there was a girl that was going to sing. Well, I had lined up exactly what I felt God leading me to do so this kinda disrupted all that but I asked her to come up and give me the c.d. and get a sound check. She was going to sing “Indescribable” by Chris Tomlin. This was one of the chourses we were scheduled to sing. So I took it out, replaced it with “Forever” and took out my feature which was “He Knows My Name”.
Right before the service began, I was told there was a group of 3 girls that brought a c.d. and wanted to sing. Apparently, this is what you do. You find a church having services and you put a c.d. accomp track in your purse and head to the church. Well, we simply had no time to squeeze them in but because they would be attending their own church tomorrow night, they were willing to sing at the conclusion of the service. The song they brought with them? “He Knows My Name.” Funny huh?
Tomorrow we wrap things up. Pray for strength both physically and vocally.

Monday, Salem

Hi friends. The day was interesting. About noon we went to the church to set up the equipment. Remember, we are having a tent meeting but a big storm was headed our way, so we made the call early to meet in the sanctuary. Didn’t have the visitors we expected. Could have been the storm, could have been the fact we weren’t in the tent or, in the case of one older man, could’ve been because I had an opening screen on my powerpoint that had scripture in a translation other than King James. Said that anything other than King James was a lie and that’s why there are so many gays and the like in the world today because so many churches are preaching a lie. Hmmmmmm, well thanks much and have a good day. He left before we even started the service. Kinda glad though. He seemed to be one that might have made a scene if he waited until I began preaching since I use, mostly, NASB. Whatever…….
The people are gracious and we hope to be back in the tent tomorrow and maybe others will come.
We’ve had a few glitches that come with the territory so pray that God will be victorious through it all as we have already seen.
I’m really tired folks. This setting up and breaking down every service is a bit tiresome but the concept is good.
Keep up the prayers!

Sunday at Salem

Great day although a bit warm north of Fulton, MS. We met early to set up all the equipment and get things ready. My projector wasn’t great with not quite enough lumens to really make a difference. People could see but that’s about all. Tomorrow things start a little later so maybe that will help.
There was one profession of faith tonight and that was exciting. A small group of students and the rest the church body in support made up the 80 or so in attendance.
Pray that many will show tomorrow and that any technical glitches will be ironed out before the service.

Hitting the road

We are headed out today for Golden, MS, just northeast of Tupelo for a Student Conference beginning tomorrow. It’s going to be meeting in a large tent so pray for the weather, the technical aspect (lights and sound) and attendance.
Pray that lives are changed during this crucial time. Pray for my voice. I’ll be doing the worship leading and speaking.
Not sure if I’ll be able to blog due to the remote location. Meeting goes through Wed.

Wade, TNT

It was called “Tuesday Night Together” with this service being the first of 4 meetings each Tuesday of this month. The turnout wasn’t what was hoped for by all concerned but we had a fun night of “friends and music” with those who attended.
Thanks for the prayers. We will rest tonight, here in Moss Point, MS, then head home tomorrow and begin preparations for the upcoming Student Conference in north MS beginning Sunday.

Heading Out

Thanks for checking in gang. I know you’ve thought; “Is he ever going to head out for the Work again?” Well, it has been a nice time at home, some rest, some exercise, and a nice Sunday that happened to be my 10th anniversary as Staff Evangelist at Hillcrest. Really nice time with many expressing themselves but it’s our blessing and has been for these years.
We head out today for an overnight event on the gulf coast. Wade Baptist Church, about 30 miles from Moss Point, MS, is having a one night revival service each Tuesday in April so this is the first. I’ll be working with the kids in a simultaneous service.
Thanks for the prayers as we travel,