Busy, busy, busy

Everything began with rehearsal at 8 a.m. Our orchestra and praise team meet to rehearse the choir piece for the next Sunday, then run through all the music, including the choir anthem, for the day’s service.
Then, at 9:15, the first service begins followed by the 10:45 service with only a few minutes in between. We were back up at the church around 4 p.m. as Patty began cooking 14 lbs of ground beef for Taco Stackup (I call taco salad) and the youth choir, after rehearsing from 5 p.m. to 5:45, then swarmed like locust and enjoyed every bit of it. Lots of fun…it’s a good group.
The next few days will be long ones as I spend the days in the church office and my nights in the home office preparing for the upcoming revival services in Vesta, GA.
thanks for the prayers,