Merry Christmas, Tuesday

A really busy day was finished at the church around 8 p.m. tonight as we had our first “extra” Christmas music rehearsal. A nice group came out about the time a storm moved in. Got a really good downpour to let people get a little wet and walk into a cool choir room. Sure hope no one gets sick. It was a good rehearsal as we covered of the tougher songs. We have our work cut out for us but this choir is high quality and in time, they will learn these songs and be outstanding. We’ll continue to work these songs hard and let God take us through.
Now, I’m about to start working on my upcoming revival so I guess I better go!

Sure appreciate the prayers!

Busy, busy, busy

Everything began with rehearsal at 8 a.m. Our orchestra and praise team meet to rehearse the choir piece for the next Sunday, then run through all the music, including the choir anthem, for the day’s service.
Then, at 9:15, the first service begins followed by the 10:45 service with only a few minutes in between. We were back up at the church around 4 p.m. as Patty began cooking 14 lbs of ground beef for Taco Stackup (I call taco salad) and the youth choir, after rehearsing from 5 p.m. to 5:45, then swarmed like locust and enjoyed every bit of it. Lots of fun…it’s a good group.
The next few days will be long ones as I spend the days in the church office and my nights in the home office preparing for the upcoming revival services in Vesta, GA.
thanks for the prayers,

Busy Saturday in Enterprise

Today was “solo tryout day” for the Worship Ministry @ Hillcrest. It’s been set up for quite some time as I looked to add to the list of existing soloist. Our Wednesday night service is a full blown worship service and not your typical Wed prayer service. Although there is more prayer time and emphasis of such, because we have “small groups” on Sunday night and not a regular evening worship, the Wed service is formatted like that so extra soloists are needed to fill the slots.
I listened to 6 different voices and had a pretty productive day. I’m thankful for each participant and look forward to seeing God use each.
Now, I will lead worship in the morning and have youth choir tomorrow afternoon. Got to get them ready to sing!

Thanks for the prayers!


Whew, Home again after a long day of travel. Glad to be home with lots to do now. I’ll head into the office in the morning and put in a day there so right now, just pray for rest. We’ll probably get to bed early and I don’t think it will be hard to go to sleep, for sure.
An uneventful trip home made things nice so we thank you for your prayers as we continue the work!


Wednesday, Dyersburg

We had a good closing night with a little movement and 1 profession of faith, praise the Lord! We look forward to hearing some updates of God’s work at East Dyersburg United Methodist and 2nd Baptist Church.
Tomorrow we head home and hopefully will get a little rest because it’s sure to be a busy time at home before leaving again.
Friday in the office, Saturday in the choir room for solo tryouts, Sunday church, Tuesday special choir rehearsal for Christmas, Wednesday church and choir and leave town Thursday.

Sure appreciate the prayers,

Tuesday, Dyersburg

A really good service tonight as we saw a packed house and God moved as 1 little fellow gave his heart to Christ and the altar filled with hearts broken before the Lord.
We met in the Baptist Church tonight as we will tomorrow night in the conclusion of revival services.
We appreciate your prayers. Everything was close to really breaking loose as the Spirit moved. We are tired, for sure, so prayer for strength would be good as well.


Sunday night, Dyersburg

A good crowd in the combined, Baptist/Methodist revival showed up at East Dyersburg United Methodist Church tonight. I began the service with the Professor then the music ministry of East Dyersburg did the music and did a good job before I took the platform. I played my horn then spoke on the attributes of God. There was a really attentive group and although no movement at the invitation, a lot of seed was planted so we pray God takes it, water’s it, and it will come to fruition. Tomorrow morning I will speak at the Dyer Baptist Association pastor’s conference.
Thanks for the continued prayers,

Saturday, TN

Hi gang,

I appreciate you checking in. Been a “day of rest” today so I spent the day watching football and taking it easy. With the schedule I’m keeping between my “road” job and my “non-road” job, things have been quite busy. Today was pretty nice.
Tomorrow we will go to church in the morning with our friends then around 4:00 p.m. we will drive over to Dyersburg to set up at 4:30 then have dinner with the pastor before the service.
Service begins at 6:30 at East Dyersburg Methodist Church.

Thanks for the prayers!

Safe Arrival

After the day’s journey, we are in our hosts home for the revival services in Dyersburg, TN. Tomorrow we will take it easy then hit it Sunday. We will be attending Gates Baptist Church Sunday morning to worship with friends then heading up to Dyersburg in the afternoon to set up the necessary equipment and begin services Sunday night.
Our first service will be held in East Dyersburg United Methodist. Sure appreciate the prayers! All in all, it’s good. Really tired from the long day. Hopefully will sleep!

By the way, the arthroscopic surgery on my knee has been rescheduled for October 5. Just so you know!

Gearing Up

Today was a very busy and long day as I doubled up on my efforts to get out ahead of the work load at the church so I could head out in peace, knowing everything has been taken care of the next bit.

My MRI revealed a torn miniscus in my right knee so I’m headed toward arthriscopic surgery. Originally set for Sept 19, we’ve decided to wait until the road work ends at the end of the month so I won’t be moving equipment on a knee that is trying to heal.

I’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, we’ll load up the next couple of days and head out on Friday to Dyersburg, TN, beginning revival services on Sunday.
