Long Day

It was a long day today as we continue to handle all the things going on leading up to the Christmas program. Doing the usual weekly things with Wednesday services and choir practices and Sunday stuff is busy enough but add the level of this Christmas program along with it and it’s busy, busy, busy!
Tonight’s choir rehearsal was good but I could tell the folks are getting tired. Everyone was a little sluggish and the attention span was a bit short but we pushed our way through and got a fair amount accomplished. I feel pretty good coming into our last week leading into the program.
I’m a bit tired myself but on the good side the new med that the dr gave me for my knee seems to be taking effect. I’m hoping to be totally back in a matter of another week even though I’m going to be pulling some pretty long days this next week.

Sure appreciate your prayers as we continue the week.


Really good 1st One!

It was the first time the choir, orchestra, and tech crew have been together for a run through of the Christmas presentation. Although there were a few “rough” spots and a glitch here or there as mic levels were set and lighting adjusted but all in all things went as well as a 1st run though could have gone.
The choir was responsive and although tired from a day at the office, they put all they had in the rehearsal and I feel the Lord will be blessed in the efforts.
Now, time to get a little rest before heading off to the church early in the morning and handling other tasks. Thanks for the prayers,

Home and crazy

Well we got in yesterday from a busy but nice visit with family over Thanksgiving and it was funny, but as soon as we returned, my phone began ringing about church stuff and the upcoming Christmas program. Wow! I mean it’s been crazy.
I got up to the church before 8 a.m. as usual for a Sunday, and began rehearsal. After the 2 services, we grabbed a bite to eat and headed back up to the church to pull all the sanctuary decorations out for the ladies to begin work tomorrow morning.
Well, we got that stuff in the sanctuary and then my phone rang again. It was one of the ladies working with our Lyrical Worship team that is part of our presentation reminding me we had a rehearsal with them at 3 p.m. So I just stayed there. After that rehearsal I came home, had supper and headed to my media persons house to view the latest work for the mulit media presentation part of the program. Spectacular!
All that said, we arrived home at 7:30 tonight. Kinda tired, and knee is sore. Doc said he’s astonished that my knee has any pain at all and feels like it’s inflammation and has put me on a very strong anti-inflammatory med. Hope this helps.
Staying busy. Hope you’re doing the same!

A day is a day

It was relatively quiet in the office today being the beginning of a holiday week. Of course, with a “skeleton crew” it was a bit busier that you might think it should be.
Nevertheless, I got a good bit accomplished trying to get a bit ahead knowing the holidays always create wrinkles.
As far as the Christmas presentation goes, we had a tech meeting tonight and the crew is getting on board and beginning to have more of a picture of what I’m trying to do (perhaps I’m finally making more sense, who knows) and they had some great ideas as to how to make all this come together.
We’ll meet with the choir and orchestra next Monday, the 28th, for our first run through and see where we are from there.
I probably won’t be blogging again until Saturday when I return from Yazoo City and Thanksgiving with family. Before we head out Wednesday, I will be going to the dr. for a followup exam on my knee. Maybe he’ll be able to tell me why I haven’t had one pain free day since the surgery. Hope so!

Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Another good day

Thanks for checking in but there’s nothing really new to report. It was a really good day of worship as God spoke through the music and the spoken word delivered by our Senior Adult Pastor.
The Youth Choir didn’t meet, having had their last program this past Wednesday so Patty and I got to visit with our Life Group this evening. That was nice and something that we haven’t been able to do since taking on the Interim position. Nothing much to report on that side of things either. The report from the committee this morning was that things are on hold til the first of the year.
We’ll be heading to Yazoo City on Wednesday following my Dr’s appt at 8 a.m. Hopefully he’ll have some explanation of the pain I’m still experiencing with this knee. I know, I’m old. I’ve heard it and heard it.
Blessings my friends!

Difficult Day

Bittersweet is the best way to describe the day. It began with a phone call from a good friend I’m scheduled to be with in December. He was calling to cancel our time together. Due to severe satanic attack on his church and staff things were not at a place to bring me in. He was broken and so very disappointed and I felt so badly for him. I told him I would pray for him and his church.
The bittersweet of it all is that it was scheduled the same weekend of our Christmas music here and although I was taking our church up to the point of the presentation, due to my commitment to my friend’s church, I was not going to see all the work come to fruition. Now I will but I have to tell you there is pain involved.
Understand, my friend is not the direct point of attack and will be picking up the pieces and leading his church through their music but the church is hurt with more to come, most likely, so your prayers would be appreciated.

Busy and Long

The day began at a 6:00 a.m. prayer meeting at the church. Patty went with me and we got back home around 7, had breakfast then I headed to the office for a day of Christmas planning and preparing for time away during holidays. Lots of pre-planning has to be done before the doors close.
Sooooo, we’ll make a rather early night tonight and do it all over again tomorrow.
My knee is slowly getting better. Still a bit frustrating but I’m pressing on!

Take care,

Another day

Oh, another day and another change in commitment! Oh well, I being reminded His church is not perfect.
I managed to get alot done, though, so that’s cool. Lot’s of service planning was done as well as Christmas prep.
Patty accomplished a tremendous amount in her flower beds. Now Advil is her best friend! ha ha
Tomorrow will be more of the same. I’ll head in and continue work on the services as well as put final prep on tomorrow night’s service (our youth choir will be singing) and then choir practice. Lot’s of work left on 3 of the songs in the line-up.
Thanks for checking in!

Hmmm, don’t really know what to say….

It was a busy day today. Something I’ve known or at least suspected for some time now, proved itself today. The Consumer Mentality which we see in society everyday has indeed invaded our churches. “I’m not particularly interested in doing the work but you better bless my socks off everytime I enter or else…”
Geez! Oh that I may be found faithful and not be a stench in my Father’s nostril.
Patty has enjoyed the weather and done a lot of yard work (i.e. flowerbed prep for winter) and everything looks great. She says it’s therapeutic but I tend to disagree! ha ha
In regards to yesterday’s emphasis with Veterans, the worship was wonderful. So thankful for all those who made the extra effort to handle all things and make the day come off so well.
Tomorrow, we’ll start again and see what happens!

Busy Sunday

Typical and in the same mode as other Sunday’s these days. Begins at 8:00 a.m. and goes from there. As a matter of fact, I just got in from the final rehearsal of the day. The Christmas orchestra met tonight ran through the upcoming program and did very well. It should be really good when they meet with the choir on November 28th.
I didn’t have to play in the golf on the Blue team today so my wife is speaking to me…. : )
That was all well and good. I really didn’t have time for that today and would most likely have had to leave before it was over this afternoon anyway to make youth choir rehearsal. That rehearsal went well and the kids are ready to sing Wednesday night.
Another week of prep lies ahead so, again, we appreciate your prayers.