It’s Tuesday………all Day!

I guess I could say; “Same song, different verse”.  That’s how everything began today.  We expected to receive a call early this morning from the flooring guys telling us they were on the way.  That didn’t happen!  Patty wanted to get in a walk so I stayed in until she got back so we wouldn’t miss the call then once she completed her walk, she stayed in and I did yard work.  I was part way finished when she came out to tell me the owner of the flooring company had called to apologize and to say that the workers would be at the house at 11:00.  We had a luncheon at the church, scheduled for 11:30.  Being on staff, I felt I needed to go so I did and Patty stayed at home.

I got a text from her at 12:25 telling me she had received a call and they were on their way.  Hey, an hour and a half late but at least they were on the way.  Everything was completed at 4:00 p.m.  It looks good and we pray there are no other episodes.  We’d like to do things on OUR priority list, not the houses, if you know what I mean.  Nevertheless, we thank the Lord for providing.

Following the luncheon, I went through the slides for tomorrow night’s worship service.  Our worship pastor is off this week and I am leading worship and choir practice tomorrow night.  Everything’s good to go now.

As far as VBS…well, it was put on the back burner today.  Guess I’ll get back on it tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in,