Well, I decided to take a break from the VBS materials and hit a few golf balls. So, I met up with a couple of friends early this morning and walked 18. It was nice only getting hot toward the end of the morning. My plan was golf then irrigation repair. Did I mention I had a blown pipe that needed repair? Depending on the location, this is more times than not, a fairly quick fix. Ordinarily, that is. I began work on the area and completed the work at 4 p.m. Yuck. Hot, tired, and exhausted…I’ve decided to decline an offer to meet several of my buds on the course in the morning and instead, get busy with VBS. I’m just tired today and don’t believe I’ll be doing much on the music tonight.
I pray you have a good holiday weekend and in the midst of all the activities and good food, don’t forget to thank the Lord for all the brave men and women who have gone before us and given their lives for your freedoms.