Safe at Home

Praise the Lord!  We’ve arrived home safely after a great 3 week, 2500 mile road trip.  We finished everything up this morning at our host church, Clear Branch, with a wonderful service and some movement during the invitation.

Now it’s time to, first, rest.  Second, get my horn out and work on wedding music for this Friday/Saturday and thirdly, begin preparation for an event next Monday in Baton Rouge.

I’m really planning some down time as I am exhausted after “giving it all”.  Thank you for all your prayers on our behalf.  There is no doubt God honored your requests and we saw many decisions for Christ.


Friday at Percy Quinn

Clouds early again then breezy throughout the afternoon made things tolerable so again I have to thank you for your prayers. You are a blessing.

Speaking of blessing, we saw 8 decisions for Christ tonight and we thank the Lord for the victory and thank you for the prayer coverage.

One other thanks needs to go out to the Mystery Mower! I got word today from my next door neighbor, that someone with a black, black, mustache, a flowery hat, and a blonde wife, mowed my yard yesterday! You know who you are and I have my suspicions, but that doesn’t matter. God knows who you are and I pray Gods richest blessings on you and your family. That is a tremendous blessing for me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Finall, here is the plan. We will wrap p in the morning, pack up, and move to a hotel in Brookhaven. On Sunday morning we will conduct the morning service at Clear Branch Baptist (the host church of this camp. Immediately following, we will point east and drive home, completing at 3000 mile road trip.

Pray for strength and safety. Thanks again and I will blog whe we arrive home Sunday night!


God Answers Prayer

Hi friends,

First, let me thank you for your prayers on behalf of the weather.  Yesterday I asked you to pray that God would move in clouds or at least have a break from the oppressive heat so the kids would be more attentive during worship.  It was at 4 p.m. when the kids headed to the dorms to shower from the day’s activities and ready themselves for dinner and worship when a huge thunderstorm moved in.  For 40 minutes we had a heavy downpour with wind then it moved out.  The temps went from 93 to 79.  Although it was humid, it was GREAT!  Thank you for your prayers.

Our request tonight is on behalf of one little fellow.  He has come to camp as an experiment from his parents.  He has Aspergers. (austism) The experiment is not working well.  He is having a rough time as is the children’s minister so pray that the right “end” comes to pass, whether his parents come to pick him up or God calms his little spirit.  It’s pretty rough right now and of course it affects the rest of the kids, some more than others.

Tomorrow we will lead toward the invitation tomorrow night. So obviously we would appreciate your prayers to this end as well.

God bless you for checking in and thank you again for the prayers for the weather.


92 in the shade

Opening night of camp here in south MS brought temps that finally dropped to 92 around 7 pm. The kids hung in there pretty well buti think I’m going to have to step up my game if I’m going to keep their attention through this camp.

Thanks for the prayers! We will press on. Our next service is at 10:45 in the morning. I’ll keep you posted.


On the Road Again

This morning we head out to Percy Quinn State Park in south MS, for the final leg of this road trip. Clear Branch Baptist church is going to be joined by a few smaller churches to make up this camp. Tings kickoff tonight.

Here’s how you can pray for us. First, that the kids hearts will be receptive to the Holy Spirit. Secondly, that there could be a possible break in the excessive heat. The worship is in an old fashioned outdoor tabernacle (pavilion)and I don’t have to tell you what kids are like after having played all day in such heat.

I will be attempting to blog but last year there was no wireless where I was so we traveled into town once. We may do the same thing again.

Checking in blesses us. Thank you for your prayers and support!


In Yazoo City

Hi friends,

It was a really nice day yesterday in Cleveland, MS.  I was asked to be a guest for a special series that FBC Cleveland is doing this summer.  I was excited to be a part, especially since attending Delta State University there in Cleveland.  I haven’t done a lot of work in Cleveland over the years so Patty and I took some time to get around campus and see all the changes.  Growth is a good thing but when your memory is 30 years old, it’s easy to get lost on a campus with that many changes.  Really nice to see all the good things going on.

The concert last night went well.  Several of my “friends” made an appearance as well as my horns and some corporate worship but a  real special part of the evening was the attendance of several from 2 different churches I served in while in school.  It was a nice reunion of sorts and one that brought back some wonderful memories.

Patty has had a bit of a relapse with sinus stuff and the allergens in the Delta and we are hoping that now that we are out and on the road again, that maybe things will clear a bit.  We are in Yazoo City for a couple of days visiting my mom and Patty’s dad and we will pull out for our last camp of the summer on Wednesday.

It’s another summer, and consequently another birthday that I’ve spent on the road ministering to kids.  Wow, how time flies!  Take care my friends and thank you so much for checking in and praying for us!


Friday in TN

Well, we wrapped Kid’s Camp at Meadowview Baptist Church, Georgetown, TN, today around 3 p.m.  It was a good week with 129 high energy kids.  They really loved my “friends” and the crazy songs we sang.  But above that, during a question/answer time toward the end, there were a number of positive signs that the kids really were picking up on the teaching.  That was pretty cool and encouraging.  I’m tired.  But it’s all good.

Patty is doing so much better.  The meds the doc called in for us have really done the trick and we appreciate your prayers and all the checking up on us during this time.

Right now, we are spending the night in Chattanooga with a friend before leaving in the morning for Cleveland, MS, where we will set up for Sunday services.

Not a lot more to tell that hadn’t been told.  Just that we are on the last leg of a very long road trip and would appreciate your prayers for strength, for my voice, and for our travel.  Depending on Sunday’s lodging, I’ll try and blog at the end of the day!


Thursday in Chattanooga

9 decisions for Christ today at Meadowview Baptist Church. PTL!!!

The kids’ energy level is staying pretty high but the attention span is waning just a bit, as you can imagine. Still, things are going well and your prayers are a large part of that. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Tomorrow will be a normal schedule through the morning with a carnival type afternoon where, instead of their usual rotations, there will be the “Jump Houses” and all sorts of wild things.

Our plans are to leave here tomorrow afternoon and begin making our way to Cleveland, MS, where I will be in the service Sunday morning and will be giving a concert for the families that night.


Wed, Chattanooga

Well, Patty is down for the count. Sounds terrible and feels almost as bad. BUMMER!!!

We called our Dr this morning and he called in some drugs to the local pharmacy. Thank you Dr Mike! Now we are headed backnto our new abode and Patty will call it a night while I come back for Parents Night.

Tings are going well with the emphasis being Salvation, tomorrow. Thanks for the prayers.


Tuesday in TN

Well, the dust or mildew or mold or whatever it was has wrecked Patty’s sinuses. The gracious family that loaned their RV to us will still receive their blessing for the generosity but we will not. Don’t really know because it didn’t affect me but Patty would begin sneezing, drainage, sore throat, the works, as soon as we would enter the vehicle.

We have been relocated and it doesn’t look like we will have wireless so I’m knocking this blog out before we leave the church.

The kids were fired up today and a bit more responsive than yesterday so it was a much better time with them. Thanks for the prayers. We will continue tomorrow and then have parents nite tomorrow night.

We would appreciate your prayers for Patty. Praying that this has been arrested before developing into a full blown infection. We will know more as early as in the morning.
