Hmmm, don’t really know what to say….

It was a busy day today. Something I’ve known or at least suspected for some time now, proved itself today. The Consumer Mentality which we see in society everyday has indeed invaded our churches. “I’m not particularly interested in doing the work but you better bless my socks off everytime I enter or else…”
Geez! Oh that I may be found faithful and not be a stench in my Father’s nostril.
Patty has enjoyed the weather and done a lot of yard work (i.e. flowerbed prep for winter) and everything looks great. She says it’s therapeutic but I tend to disagree! ha ha
In regards to yesterday’s emphasis with Veterans, the worship was wonderful. So thankful for all those who made the extra effort to handle all things and make the day come off so well.
Tomorrow, we’ll start again and see what happens!