Ahhhhh, it was a success and a sweet, albeit, an emotional dinner being the first without Ms Shurley. Needless to say, the preparation was quite adventurous without cabinets, countertops, and kitchen sink. Even washing the turkey prior to the brine was a sight. Imagine me, a non parent, bathing a slippery, hyper, 3 year old and you pretty much have the picture. It will provide laughter for some time to come. Then you’ve got Patty coming in behind me with bleach, pine sol, and gloves and………..Look Out! Pretty funny.
Patty did really well until the meal was done. Pretty emotional time. She’s doing fine now and we are tag teaming in the clean up department while Troy University is playing their bowl game. Remember, Troy is about 30 minutes from us and a number of our friends are fans or alums!
Thanks for the prayers as we continue the necessary, unfortunately, construction of the kitchen, and the healing from the loss of Ms Shurley.