Safe Arrival, Mathews, LA

Arrived in Mathews around 7:15. No problems. I had some pretty nasty storms for about 1 1/2 hrs then things were pretty clear the rest of the way.
I will be helping my friend continue work on his master bath for a couple of days before heading up to Poplarville, MS, on Saturday.

Busy Day

Hi friends,
Well, after a short night, we headed to Panama City around 9:30 a.m. to get Patty on a plane so she could get out to San Antonio to help my sister-in-law. My brother sure was glad to see her as he lacks that “nursing gene” like me. I just want to “fix” the issue. Make it better instantaneously and of course it doesn’t work that way.
She made it by 5 p.m. so it’s all good. Thanks for the prayers.
I drove on back here after lunch with her at the airport, arriving back around 2:30. Because of the impending storms, I cut my yard, packed and loaded for my trip to LA and Poplarville, MS, so now all I have to do is “throw myself” in the truck in the morning and I’ll be on my way.
I would appreciate your prayers as I travel in what looks to be some pretty rough storms early in my trip but I should run out of them by early afternoon.

Safe arrival

Hey gang,
Thanks. We made it home safely. I’m working on wrapping up office work and Patty is packing for her flight to San Antonio. As you recall, my sister-in-law had surgery today, is doing well, and Patty is going out to help for about 10 days. I will drive her to the airport tomorrow, come home, then head to Mathews, LA.
I told you I was going to have the opportunity to “repay” my friend for all the help with my flooring. He is doing some house makeover stuff and I thought this would be a great opportunity for me. Well, being a bi-vocational pastor and seeing my abilities with tools, he has decided that the best way I can help him is if I do his Wednesday night service. What can I say? I might not be able to work with my hands but I can talk without my lips moving!
As that great theologian, Clint Eastwood, once said… “A man has to know his limitations.”
On Saturday, I will drive up from Mathews to Poplarville, MS, for revival services that begin Sunday.
Thanks for the prayers,

Sunday, Gates

We had a pretty good attendance today although we were still short on students. That made things continue to be difficult since I prepared for students. We saw little movement but planted a lot of seed.
Nevertheless, the adults were gracious and it’s like family since this makes my 9th consecutive year visiting Gates Baptist.
We will head home tomorrow morning, leaving around 8 a.m. and, Lord willing, that will put us home around 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. We appreciate your prayers through this event and thank you for praying for our travel.

Saturday, Gates

It was a down night tonight. No response, small crowd and the choruses I chose, although current, were unfamiliar to those in attendance. Very disappointed.
We will continue to press forward tomorrow morning and evening and prayerfully, hopefully, finish strong.
My voice is holding up well so we appreciate your prayers on our behalf.

Friday, Gates, TN

It was a good night although there were not many students in attendance. Only about 6 actual “teens”, a number of kids, and the rest adults. Imagine how I felt as I watched the church fill with adults knowing the music and style of message I had prepared. But the people were gracious and sang and participated so it was a good night. We had one respond during the invitation and we look forward to what God will be doing tomorrow night.
Thank you for the prayers,

Arrived Safely

Hi gang,
Arrived 8 1/2 hrs after leaving. No problems, good weather and roads, just a long way. We stopped by the church to unload the equipment and will set it up tomorrow. Had to get it out of the trailer because we are expecting heavy storms tomorrow and Saturday.

Speaking of that, pray for attendance. We are trying to reach the students of the area and it may just be that God is sending the storms to “decrease options” to do anything else.

Thanks again,


It’s a brief stay at home as we take care of bills and prepare for the student conference in TN where I will be doing both the worship leading and the preaching.
Pray for God’s leading and that many will come to know Him and others may recommit themselves to His work and leadership.