Monday, Salem

Hi friends. The day was interesting. About noon we went to the church to set up the equipment. Remember, we are having a tent meeting but a big storm was headed our way, so we made the call early to meet in the sanctuary. Didn’t have the visitors we expected. Could have been the storm, could have been the fact we weren’t in the tent or, in the case of one older man, could’ve been because I had an opening screen on my powerpoint that had scripture in a translation other than King James. Said that anything other than King James was a lie and that’s why there are so many gays and the like in the world today because so many churches are preaching a lie. Hmmmmmm, well thanks much and have a good day. He left before we even started the service. Kinda glad though. He seemed to be one that might have made a scene if he waited until I began preaching since I use, mostly, NASB. Whatever…….
The people are gracious and we hope to be back in the tent tomorrow and maybe others will come.
We’ve had a few glitches that come with the territory so pray that God will be victorious through it all as we have already seen.
I’m really tired folks. This setting up and breaking down every service is a bit tiresome but the concept is good.
Keep up the prayers!