Tuesday, Long Beach

Well, here’s the funny thing about it all. Not funny (ha ha) but funny in the so so kind of way. Folks have been praying for rain. They have been in a drought and today in the mail came a notice from the city that there was a water ban on yard upkeep as well as car washing and the like.
Around 6’ish, a large thunderstorm moved in with heavy downpours early followed by a slow steady rain. It was wonderful for the area. It seemed, however, that many of the church folks decided to show their thankfulness to the Lord by staying away from the service. The pastor kinda pointed that out at the beginning of the service. Ouch! So true and so very frustrating. We had about half what we have had the other services.
The faithful were a blessing and the service went fine with a little movement during the invitation. We appreciate, as always, the continued prayers as we close things out tomorrow night.
Pray that God breaks through and does a miraculous work in the hearts and lives of North Long Beach Baptist Church.


Monday, Long Beach

It was a quiet night tonight in the service. Not sure what battles were going on but everything was a bit of a struggle tonight. I delivered the message I believe God had for the church but there was no response.
I appreciate your prayers as we continue the work He has for us here at Long Beach. Wonderful folks that long to hear a fresh Word from the Lord. Pray they will receive it and respond accordingly.

Sunday, Long Beach

It was a really good day, folks. There was a really nice crowd in this little church and although there wasn’t much movement in the a.m. service, there was a receptive spirit among the congregation.
Tonight’s service ended with an adult man giving his heart to Jesus! Awesome! The pastor and I laughed later when recalling the invitation because the man didn’t even wait until we started singing. I mean, doesn’t he realize how we do things in the Baptist Church??? I asked everyone to stand and there he came…like a rocket! You could tell it was real and we praise the Lord for his obedience.
Pray for North Long Beach Baptist Church. They have a volunteer music minister who is doing a good job but their only pianist just moved away so they are struggling a bit in that area.
We appreciate your continued prayers as we anticipate God’s work here in Long Beach, MS.


Another day, another visit.

We’ve enjoyed my brother and sis-in-law this week. Went to see the new X-Men movie yesterday. Hey, really was good. I’m familiar with the characters but have not seen any of the previous movies completely through. Jeff, who is very familiar with the characters really enjoyed it and gave it a thumbs up.
The exercise is going well as I continue to walk/run on the golf course and watch, very carefully, what I’m eating throughout the day.
We’ll have one more day, kinda a half day really as our guest will head to Destin for a few days.
We will be heading out on Saturday for the revival in Long Beach, MS.

The computer is hanging in there but I’ll be glad with I’m able to get the replacement!


Tuesday at home

Another good day gave me a nice workout this morning followed by some study time this afternoon as I prepare for the revival starting next week.
We are excited that my youngest brother and his wife are coming down to visit for a few days so that will be fun.
Hey, my wife made the mistake of coming to the marriage altar 31 years ago today so how awesome is that! She has stuck with a multi-personalitied individual for all this time. Don’t think bad of her…you can feel sorry for her. A lot of folks do!

We’ll keep on going and you stay in touch!


Made it in this evening. The virus really took a toll on the computer. Having difficulty performing even the simplist of task at this time but managed to get on to post this blog.
It was a good 16 day trip but good to be home. Lots to do before leaving out again and we are excited that my youngest brother and his wife are heading our way for a few days beginning Tuesday.
So, I’ll knock out the yard stuff tomorrow (it’ll be a days worth of stuff) then finalize my messages for the revival I’m preaching beginning Sunday.
We appreciate, deeply, your constant prayers on our behalf during this time. Lots going on…


VBS, Thursday

A good night, gang. We didn’t have any other professions of faith but the kids were active and really participated. Not sure of the numbers but it was a good group although not as good as the first couple of nights.
Tomorrow night we’ll have Family Night and the kids will sing the songs and show the parents what they’ve learned this week.

Pray for the leadership of Green Acres South as they seek God’s plan in His church on the hill.

The virus you read about last week took it’s toll on the laptop Apparently all the “cleaning” and “debugging” two consecutive days has made this thing really squirrely and unpredictable and we’ve had to order a new one. Ordered today and hopefully we’ll be ok until it arrives. Pray for the technical end of everything.


Tyler, Wednesday

A good night but lacking a bit in attendance compared to the first two nights. We had 31 by the time we got into the evening but started really low.
3 hands were raised during our invitation time and they will be followed up on this week. We are thankful for each decision and for the message presented.

We will press on tomorrow. Getting a bit weary and battling a bit of an upset stomach but doing ok. I would appreciate your prayers!


Tuesday, Tyler

It was a little slow getting started tonight. The parents were slow in getting kids there tonight and at starting time we had about 16 kids. In a short time after 6 p.m. a few more trickled in and by the time we got into our opening assembly we had a pretty good group. Head count later had us at 34 so a little short from last night but a good group.
We are praying now for a harvest tomorrow night. Please join us as we pray for clarity in the message and that hearts will be receptive.

Thanks much!

Monday, Tyler

Wow, great start to the night. For a church with no kids, we had 38 kids tonight. A great start. If it builds from here that would be fine as well. Also a major part of that group are kids in the “age of accountablity” meaning the age most likely to make a profession of faith so that’s exciting. Make sure you pray for that group in particular as we gear up for Wednesday.

We appreciate the prayers. Pray, too, for the temps. The kids are doing outdoor recreation and it’s averaging 101 this week. So, so hot and the rec team is being really careful. No rain in sight.

Thanks for checking in!