It was a good day at Hillcrest as I led in worship for both morning services. At the conclusion of the services, the chairman of personnel made a recommendation to the church that I be placed as Interim Worship Pastor.
It all started about a month and 1/2 ago when our Executive Pastor called me in to inform me that our Worship Pastor would be leaving to serve in another church and he asked me how my calendar looked for me filling in some during the interim time. After setting up some dates in July, August and September and working around ministry bookings I kinda thumbed through the remainder of the year and was shocked when I got to October and saw that from there through Dec there was only one booking. This is extremely unusual to not be booked up for the fall by this time of the year.
Apparently, God had it planned all along. So, the church has “contracted” John Yates Ministry to fill this slot and we are excited to be with our friends and serve in this capacity. Already started working on all the planning for the Christmas music as well as Youth Choir Kickoff in a couple of weeks.
Please pray for us as we serve Him in this part of our journey with Him.