Busy Day

I got into the office early to begin work on the planning stages of our special choir rehearsal Tuesday night. We will spend an hour or so on the music for our special Christmas presentation. One song in particular, I had to re-score simply because of some of the voicing. Got it done around 4:45.
Around 2:15, a friend picked up Patty and drove her down to Panama City Airport so she could fly to Ft. Lauderdale and minister to her cousin, dying of cancer. Her cousin, Dianne, has been fighting for years. This is her 4th bout with the awful disease and looks to be her last. Dianne’s sister, Sharon, is totally exhausted as you can imagine, and Patty felt the need to go down and minister to her as much as possible during this difficult time. Lord willing, Patty will be flying back Tuesday. We’ll see what the Lord has planned.
My knee was fairly swollen following the full day yesterday and prayer meeting last night with choir rehearsal. I got home around 9:30 and put ice on it for about 40 minutes. A little stiff today but better as the day went on.
I’m planning on taking it a little easy tonight and looking for things to be even better tomorrow. I’ll continue my work of preparation and worship planning.
Thanks for your interest in us and this ministry! Sure appreciate the prayers!