Well of course this day began like the other Sundays. Rehearsal with orchestra and praise team began at 8 a.m. so I was “up and at em” early this morning. Services went well with virtually no glitches so that was great. We are still battling with heavy spiritual warfare in each service which leaves us exhausted but always excited when we see God work in and through us each service.
The youth choir began 3 new songs tonight to be presented on Wednesday, November 16th. This choir is unlike any I’ve worked with. Of the 38 regular attendees, approximately 34 read music. This makes it very easy to work new music and get it ready to sing. They did a super job this past Wednesday and are already looking forward to singing in November.
Following youth choir and supper, I had our first orchestra rehearsal for the Christmas music. This was an introduction meeting just to run through the music and let them hear it then let them each take their music home with them to work it.
Got home around 20 minutes to 9:00. Kinda tired now….ha.
Appreciate your continued prayers as we do the work before us.