Easy Day

I got moving a little slow this morning and enjoyed that. My knee has been bothering me just a bit and that’s been discouraging so I took some of my pain meds yesterday and last night and decided to take it easy.
Around 9 this morning, I got a text that a couple of buds were playing golf at 10 and would love for me to join them. I gave it a shot. The company was great, the golf horrible so when we got to hole #7, I told my friends that I would not be going beyond #9. When we finished the 9th hole, I shook hands and went to the house. Really discouraged at the progress or lack thereof with my knee rehab.
The other side of things are going well. We look to have an exciting time of worship tomorrow with some really good music and some other special interests coming in.
Patty is heading home tomorrow and will leave Yazoo City about the same time her dad heads to Sunday School which is 9:15. I would appreciate your prayers for her safety.
