It was relatively quiet in the office today being the beginning of a holiday week. Of course, with a “skeleton crew” it was a bit busier that you might think it should be.
Nevertheless, I got a good bit accomplished trying to get a bit ahead knowing the holidays always create wrinkles.
As far as the Christmas presentation goes, we had a tech meeting tonight and the crew is getting on board and beginning to have more of a picture of what I’m trying to do (perhaps I’m finally making more sense, who knows) and they had some great ideas as to how to make all this come together.
We’ll meet with the choir and orchestra next Monday, the 28th, for our first run through and see where we are from there.
I probably won’t be blogging again until Saturday when I return from Yazoo City and Thanksgiving with family. Before we head out Wednesday, I will be going to the dr. for a followup exam on my knee. Maybe he’ll be able to tell me why I haven’t had one pain free day since the surgery. Hope so!
Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!