Upcoming Men’s Retreat

Hi friends.  You bless me by checking in on this site and reading this blog.  I appreciate your willingness to follow us in this adventure and your prayer support is GREATLY appreciated.

Last nights banquet went pretty well.  We had some sound issues throughout.  It seems some things had been adjusted after my final sound check so I fought “feedback” all night.  You know that time when you are right on the edge…you can hear it coming…but it never really fully comes?  That was it.  Arrrrgggg

Anyway, I fought feedback in two different ways.  The second was that I was scheduled to perform while dinner was being served.  This doesn’t usually happen but due to the time constraints, this was the chosen form.  As a result, there were about half of the audience that had their backs to me simply because they were seated facing their meal.  Made things a little difficult.  I received several positive comments following so I guess some things got through.


After lunch today, I will drive down to Panama City and set up my equipment for the Men’s Retreat that begins tomorrow.  First Baptist in Panama City has graciously opened their facilities to us as a meeting place for our worship and Bible Study.  Thursday there will be golf for some, fishing for others.  Friday……..rinse and repeat.  Each day will close with Worship and Bible Study.  I’ll be leading the worship both nights…others will be speaking.  Things will wrap up Saturday morning with a final round of golf then we’ll head home.

On the home front, mom seems to be doing well adjusting to life alone.  She is staying active and will be finishing up teaching piano when, this Friday, her pupils will present their year-end recital.  Patty’s dad is continue to improve.  We are so grateful.  That last episode was quite disconcerting and we are so thankful for prayers, neighbors, Sunday School teacher, and ministers who got to him and did what was needed.  He will go this morning for his 8 wk CT Scan with his oncologist so we are praying for the “All Clear” sign.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayer!
