Another Fuzzy Day

Hi gang,

The morning was spent in a little exercise then some time with the new VBS music.  It takes me a while to learn it all, along with all the motions that go along so I try and begin early in May.  Lord willing, I will have it all done by the time we head out in June.

This afternoon we took some time off to go to the new movie, “The Avengers”.  We enjoyed it…fun movie.  Now back to the grind.  I called this blog; “another fuzzy day” because that’s what it has been.  This is really getting frustrating…the dr told me that it would take some time but, man, I’m tired of having fuzzy vision.  I’m sticking with it and praying that we’ll know something for sure by Monday, whether this is going to work or we’ll be going in a different direction.

Thanks for checking in.  I guess if I had any type of prayer requests for now it would be that I will be able to “focus” in two areas.  ha ha ha   I need to learn this music as soon as possible. (the better I know it, the better it comes off in front of the kids) and I need my eyes straightened out so pray for this whether it involves adjustment of my brain over the single contact, or we have to do something else on Monday.
