A Little Here…A Little There

A bit of an unusual day today but nice nevertheless.  Everything began with an early tee time with some friends.  I decided to give the ole contact a try today on the course.  I’m pretty comfortable around the house in the normal day in, day out functions but haven’t tried it out there.  Not really sure I’ll be doing it again for a while.  Things were kinda “swimmy” out there, for lack of a better description.

By hole 13 I was pretty much tired of it all so I packed it in.  I came in to do a little “house” stuff and got it accomplished.  Of course, “Little” is the operative word. Ha ha.  From there it was time to review this past weeks efforts on the VBS music and motions.  So, I took care of that the better part of the afternoon and now am just chillin’ with a ballgame.

Tomorrow I’ll be up early to make the 8 a.m. orchestra rehearsal and the 2 services before coming home and doing it all over again.  Except the golf part. Not tomorrow!

We sure appreciate your prayers as we dedicate these next 2 weeks to final preparations.

