Thursday Night

The crowd did not pick up as we hoped but there were 32 there and the energy was still good. I’ve been real impressed with the dedication of all the workers at all the VBS venues. A wonderful group of dedicated workers that you simply can’t do without. This church is no exception with workers of all ages.

We rejoiced to see 6 professions of faith tonight. There will will followup of course but we thank the Lord for moving in the hearts and lives of the little guys!

Tomorrow is Family Night so the kids will sing then there will be lots of hotdogs, cookies, and a jump house!

Time is short here and that’s probably good. We’ve enjoyed our time but there is something in the air that along with excessive ventriloquism has caused me to just about lose my voice. I’m hanging on and look like I’ll be able to make through tomorrow night, Lord willing, with your prayers.
