In Yazoo City

Hi friends,

It was a really nice day yesterday in Cleveland, MS.  I was asked to be a guest for a special series that FBC Cleveland is doing this summer.  I was excited to be a part, especially since attending Delta State University there in Cleveland.  I haven’t done a lot of work in Cleveland over the years so Patty and I took some time to get around campus and see all the changes.  Growth is a good thing but when your memory is 30 years old, it’s easy to get lost on a campus with that many changes.  Really nice to see all the good things going on.

The concert last night went well.  Several of my “friends” made an appearance as well as my horns and some corporate worship but a  real special part of the evening was the attendance of several from 2 different churches I served in while in school.  It was a nice reunion of sorts and one that brought back some wonderful memories.

Patty has had a bit of a relapse with sinus stuff and the allergens in the Delta and we are hoping that now that we are out and on the road again, that maybe things will clear a bit.  We are in Yazoo City for a couple of days visiting my mom and Patty’s dad and we will pull out for our last camp of the summer on Wednesday.

It’s another summer, and consequently another birthday that I’ve spent on the road ministering to kids.  Wow, how time flies!  Take care my friends and thank you so much for checking in and praying for us!
