Hey, thanks for the prayers. Your prayers for safety worked well. We were held up in downtown ATL for a while with a 6 car pileup but thank the Lord we were not “in it” just going past. Looked like no one was hurt but snarled things up big time for quite a while.
We arrived at the church on time to unload and set things up. There were a few difficulties in that we are doing 2 programs in a room other than the worship center so we have two set ups. That’s always a bit of a hassle but not totally uncommon for our line of work. Nevertheless, it is what it is and we are ready to go.
The day will go something like this. Arrive at 8:00 a.m., have breakfast with Senior Adults and program to follow, 9:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School program, then 10:30 Worship Service.
Following a loadup and lunch with the pastor, we will head home. I’ve assumed through self diagnosis, that my muscle problem is not muscle related but may be a pinched nerve. Bothering me a bit now after the drive and set up. I would appreciate your prayers as I continue doing what is required of me. Dr.’s appointment on Tuesday.