Home After Christmas

Well, we’ve made it home.  It was a tiring and emotionally exhausting time in Yazoo City.  We rejoice, first, in Patty’s dad doing pretty well.  His weight leveled off and in the last couple of days has shown a slight decrease.  This is crucial because any extra  fluid weighs heavy on his heart.

Christmas day we stayed the house, riding out the storms.  Of course it was that way all over the southeast, for sure.  I didn’t make it up to my mom’s place although I was concerned for her.  Not her safety as my brother and sis-in-law were both with her but while spending Monday with her, not only was she edgy as I described in the last post but also was occasionally complaining of shortness of breath and dizziness.  I watched her closely but this was on my mind on Tuesday.   When I talked with my brother on Wednesday, she was still experiencing these symptoms.  Much to mom’s aggravation, I made an executive decision and made an appointment with her primary care physician.  She was a bit upset with me but I just took it and we went on.  There was lab work done and consultation with her doc then we headed back to her house where she managed to let go of the reins just a bit and let the other women in the family do a number of things she would ordinarily do.  17 people ate the Christmas meal on Wednesday night and opened presents.  We left this morning around 9:30 and are glad to be home.

As we move on now I will be leading worship at my home church here on Sunday.  Our Worship Pastor will be out and asked if I might fill in.  I enjoy that opportunity anytime it’s opened to me.

Thank you for checking in and praying for us as we do the work.  Pray that  ministry opportunities will come for the spring of 2013.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas friends. It’s as chaotic as we’ve come to expect this time of year. Honestly, it’s ridiculous.

Adding to the mental anguish is the empty chair at the table. Mom is really edgy and sharp with everyone around. Hard to get things done for her but we press on knowing, for the most part, the reason for it all.

Today, I’ve spent all day with mom putting together bookshelves and wrapping everyone’s presents. The ole pinched nerve is living in full glory right now so I pray there’s an end to this soon. I’m seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and praying it’s not the 5 O’Clock Express.

Patty’s dad is not feeling quite up to par but is pushing forward. Patty and I spent last night throughly cleaning the kitchen. His weight is an issue still but that’s about usual following the chemo treatments. I’ll keep you posted and appreciate the prayers.

By the way, prdiction of Christmas Day tornados here in Yazoo City tomorrow. Thunderstorms with straight line winds of up to 80 mph.


Merry Christmas!

Again I must apologize for not keeping you up on things but the truth is there hasn’t been much to report.  The concert at Bethel Baptist here in Enterprise went well with a number of friends coming over from Hillcrest.  I am blessed by our friendships the Lord has given us here and it was so special to have them take time from their schedules to join us on Sunday.

The week has been full of the usual things this time of year.  Parties.  Yep, nothing says “I celebrate the King in the manger” more than fruitcake cookies, party mix, a pig in a blanket.  Sounds a bit cynical and perhaps it is but things have been crazy.

Patty’s dad had his last, in the series, chemo treatment today and exam with the oncologist to determine how his kidneys are holding up (this has been an area of concern for some time now) as well as the stage of the lymphoma.  The report was great.  His kidney function is really as well as could be expected at this time in his life and we rejoice in that.  The oncologist is very pleased with his progress.  She said she could not feel the tumor in his neck any longer but wants to stop the treatments  yet saying it may be too soon to quit.  She wants to do a series of injections every other week for the next 6 weeks.  Another praise!

We plan on driving to Yazoo City on Sunday where we will spend Christmas with family and then drive back to Enterprise on Thursday.  I will be leading worship at Hillcrest on Sunday the 30th.

I pray your Christmas is spent rejoicing and celebrating the One who made it all possible!


Upcoming Concert

Ok gang, if you are in the area this Sunday, I will be presenting a Christmas concert at Bethel Baptist Church here in Enterprise at 10 a.m.  Now, I haven’t broadcast this event for Hillcrest because I didn’t want to pull my friends out of church but if you feel led, I would love for you to join us.  The pastor is a lay preacher originally out of our church and has labored for over 2 years, without pay, to reach and motivate this struggling church.  The church has somewhat of a history in poor treatment of pastors and this has manifested itself once again.  After a word study, there was a “leader” in the church that, through ignorance, claimed blasphemy.  Steamed built, again through ignorance and vacuum of the soul, and he has been asked to leave.  This Sunday will be his last Sunday so I would love to feel the place with a true spirit of worship and prayer as we celebrate The Gift.

Patty’s dad is doing ok.  The weight is about the same and he’s experiencing more consistent aches and pains that mostly come from age but are making him a bit more uncomfortable.  You know how things sometime magnify when you’re alone.  Just pray for his comfort and that those who have called or stopped by in the recent past will not forget to do so again in the midst of the hustle and bustle.

We rejoice and praise the Lord for you and your faithfulness in support and prayer!  Look forward to seeing you Sunday, Bethel Bpt, at 10 a.m.




We had a wonderful morning of ministry at Mt. Olivet Baptist in Forest, MS, today then after a nice lunch with friends, we headed home.  I will probably take a day off tomorrow then begin preparing for my concert this Sunday morning (16th) at Bethel Baptist Church here in Enterprise.

Patty’s dad is doing really well.  We praise the Lord and feel such relief right now that there is no weight gain right now from his chemo treatment this past Friday.  He actually went to a family reunion yesterday.  Funny…he told Patty that he really didn’t know too many people but there would be good food there!  ha ha   He had a really nice visit but that’s funny, huh?

We plan on being here until the 23rd, Lord willing, and enjoying the holidays with friends.  Merry Christmas!


Saturday with the Choctaws

Amidst the chaos, we saw several professions of faith today at the Choctaw Indian Reservation, Philadelphia, MS.
The ministry of Perry Co Baptist Association, in south MS, partnering with Bogue Chitto Choctaw Baptist Church in Philadelphia, have run a ministry of ARTS to reach the Choctaw Indian children for Christ. Using the different areas (dance, puppetry, art, music, etc) they meet once a quarter. They are hoping this might grow into something larger so they would appreciate your prayers. The men leading are pastors of their churches. Rev Chuck Terrell and Rev Sam Dixon.

Once we wrapped things up in Philadelphia, we drove to Lake, MS, to spend the night with friends. We will be in a nearby church in the morning for a Christmas concert then will head home after lunch. Pray that the hearts of those in attendance at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church will be moved to minister this Christmas season.

Patty’s dad is feeling good today and his weight is holding, which following his chemo treatment yesterday, we were certain would begin the upward trend that has been typical. We rejoice in that and will be headed home instead of Yazoo, as of now.

Thank you for your faithfulness and prayers!


It’s that kind of day.  In the midst of a very busy week, I find myself reflecting on dad.  Today is his birthday.  He would have been 86 today and I’m so thankful for the example he was and for teaching me the ways of the Lord.  He left a wonderful legacy and I am forever grateful.  I’ve been in touch with mom everyday and she is doing ok.  A little down this week but trying to stay really busy.

Curiously enough, Patty’s dad shares the same birthday.  Today he turned 91.  She talked with him this morning and his weight is as low as it’s been in quite some time.  We are so excited that he is feeling so well on this special day.  Patty’s brother drove into Yazoo City yesterday from his home in ATL to spend this time with him.  Thank you for your continued prayers for him as he continues to battle lymphoma.  His next treatment is Friday and Ken (Patty’s brother) will drive him over to Jackson for that appointment.

The Senior Adult banquet on Monday was fun and well attended.  Averaging 75 for the past few years there were 145 in attendance.  Those in attendance were responsive and their expressions of love toward Patty and me were such a blessing.  Tonight I will present a Christmas mini concert, for lack of a better description.

The Christmas presentation by the Worship Choir is Sunday night.  They need the worship center for their dress rehearsal.  Obviously, our worship pastor is leading that rehearsal so the pastor has moved prayer meeting to the fellowship hall and asked me to take the worship time plus a little bit and kick off the Christmas season with my music and a “friend”.  So, at 6 p.m., I’ll kick things off in the fellowship hall.

Blessings to you during this special season!

The Beginnings of a Busy Week

Well, the “Blog Police” has been in touch.   This is the person who is so very faithful to check in on us, pray for us, and follow up by contacting us.  Now I know there are several of you who say; “Hey, that sounds like me”, and we are so very grateful for everyone of you but this “officer” catches me in the parking lot or the pew!  You know who you are FW!!

Ha ha ha!  Funny and I don’t mind one single bit, it’s just that there are days when there is nothing to report so I am guilty of times when I think you can find other things to bore yourself without reading my comings and goings.  Thank you for your faithfulness.

Last night, we were at a Christmas Celebration in Dothan.  My “friends” showed up to talk about the real meaning of Christmas.  The kids seemed to have a good time.  And, as a matter of fact, so did the adults present.  This morning I was at the church bright and early for orchestra rehearsal.  This afternoon, Patty and I headed up to the church to set up our equipment for the Senior Adult Christmas Party tomorrow evening.  They are expecting the largest attendance ever for this event.  130 reservations.  I’ll be using my friends as well as singing and playing my horns.  Fun night.

Patty’s dad is having just a bit of a rough time right now.  Of course, if you’ve followed this blog much at all you are aware of the fluid issues he is battling, mostly due to the chemo.  His weight is down a little so that’s wonderful and we are thankful.  He did tell Patty tonight that he has been a little unsteady on his feet and has to depend on the walker.  This is not a regular thing for him so he is a little down.  We are praying that God heal him of the cancer so that all treatments can cease.  This would help his fluid buildup, his kidney function and decrease wear and tear on his heart.  Pray for God’s will in all this and we’ll be forever thankful.

Keep in touch!
love ya FW!  ha ha
