Here It Comes!

Notice I didn’t say; “Ready or Not”…I guess that goes without saying.  I’ve really been working so hard on my preparations and don’t feel I’m where I need to be but we know God will honor the efforts and work put forth.  We will spend tomorrow in final preparations for travel then load up and pull out first thing Friday morning.  I’m scheduled to move  my equipment into First Baptist Church, Yazoo City, Saturday morning.

Yes, that’s right.  First Baptist Church in Yazoo City, MS, is where I grew up and where dad pastored for 30 years.  I have the privilege of preaching that Sunday morning, June 2.  It will be a special day for sure.  Mom will be in attendance, Lord willing, as will Patty’s dad.

We are a bit heavy hearted at the moment.  Patty talked with her dad this afternoon and he has felt a lump in his throat reappearing.  This is where the lymphoma manifests itself in him.  He has already been on the schedule for his check up and that is Friday, June 7th.  We knew this, of course, and Patty had already planned on taking him to that appointment since we would be in Yazoo City already.  Please pray for God’s guidance and direction, His will and way, as we begin this leg of the journey.

Please keep our schedule handy.  The summer is a wonderful time of ministry and generally where we see the largest harvest because of the soft hearts we are dealing with in children.  We love and appreciate you!


Road Update

We found things in Yazoo as we hoped.  Mr. Shurley is doing well and has really settled in to his new routine.  Patty and I have spent our time, thus far, doing lawn work and basic outdoor upkeep.

Tomorrow we will head on down to Brookhaven, ,MS, for the remainder of the weekend as we minister to the families of New Sight Baptist Church and the surrounding area.

We appreciate your prayers and are thankful for your support!


Home Bound

Nope, not headed home.  Just staying at home.  Patty has seen little to no improvement since last Monday.  She talked with the “on call” doctor on Friday but what he has suggested is being followed but nothing else to report right now.  It looks like we will continue to go with this line of treatment through the weekend before heading back to the doctor on Monday to perhaps to a vein study that they can do in the office.  Either that or will will try and get referred.

I am continuing preparing all the meals, running errands and such as well as doing the yard work and studying my VBS materials.  I am glad to be able to help in this way but hoping she can find an answer to all this soon.  We need her to be 100% in a couple of weeks when a very busy summer schedule begins.

Thanks for the continued prayers!


Like Nailing Jello to a Tree

Hi friends.  What a few days it’s been thus far.  Here’s how we got to where we are right now.  Last Thursday Patty noticed that there were several veins beginning to show themselves on the lower part of both legs.  Things didn’t get better and she began getting more and more worried.  Any amount of consoling from me wasn’t quite good enough so she made an appointment this past Monday afternoon.  Bottom line….the dr has given her orders of bed rest/couch rest, whatever as long as she’s off her feet and they are propped up for 3 to 4 days.  The dr didn’t seem too alarmed but serious enough to give her this order and to tell her to donate a recent pair of shoes to the mission.  I guess so some other fashionista can find herself in the same place.  Geez.

Anyway, I am preparing the 3 meals a day, doing the housework, grocery shopping, as well as my VBS preparations and yard work.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to do it.   The good side is I’m sleeping really good each night.  ha ha   Of course this “homebound” thing is kinda hard.  Don’t need to get very far away right now.  Just as well….I have a summer full of stuff to prepare for.

The VBS prep is continuing and proceeding nicely.  I do place myself on a schedule to be as sharp as I can be and hope this summer’s events are no different.

Patty’s dad is doing really well with the home care and sitter.  Happy as a clam.  Funny though…things were a little quiet on Monday as things began with her dad never having been in this position.  A sitter, actually in his house with him?  Well, she is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.  She was on time, came in spoke, made a grocery list, ran to pick up some things.  At 12:30 he was sitting down to fried pork chops, corn, green beans, and cornbread.  GAME, SET, AND MATCH!!!  Yesterday was bar-b-que chicken and potato salad.  Patty and I are thinking of commuting to lunch!  Who would blame us!

We are home this weekend and maybe in a few days, things will be much better for Patty.

Praying so,

On the Road Again

Pulling out first thing in the morning for Houston, MS.  I have the privilege of presenting a concert for the family.  Chickasaw Baptist Association is doing their first Family Rally and they have asked me to come in and use this ministry to lead.  First Baptist in Houston is hosting the event and everything begins at 6:30 tomorrow night.  I’m looking forward  to the presentation.  Should be a lot of fun.

Well, this week has been spent in preparation for this event and for VBS.  Lots of music for the old brain to pick up so I have to really press.  In a few days I will add the Bible stories and ventriloquism skits to the mix to really keep myself busy.  It’s all good and I’m busy.

Patty’s dad is doing well and glad to be in his house.  Her brother will be pulling out sometime tomorrow and heading back to Atlanta.  Her dad will be by himself over the weekend but there’s always Life Alert and first thing Monday Home Health Physical Therapy will begin so “alone” might not seem so bad later.  ha ha

Sure appreciate your prayers and support as we do the work!
