A Great Week

We thank you for your prayers this week.  Everything went so very well.  This little church has been struggling, praying, and working so hard for several years and God had honored their hard work.  The attendance this week, by far, exceeded any previous records and God moved as we saw 6 professions of faith which also was more than they have seen in the past.

Tomorrow will be Family Day and the program will be geared toward reaching all the new families that hopefully will be in attendance.  I’ll be part of the program, leadership will welcome and greet, and the kids will sing for their parents.  Following the program will be jump houses, games, and lots of grilled hotdogs/hamburgers and the works!

We will load up and spend the night before heading on out west to Mansfield, TX (30 min. south of Ft. Worth) where I will be in concert for the Sunday morning service.

Prayers for safety and strength would be appreciated.  Thanks much!

Twice as Many

Wow, what a start.  The people of the South Campus were so excited.  They are small and the core workers have worked for years (we’ve been working with them the past 6 years or so) to attract young families and has done so only periodically but their work is beginning to show fruit.  In past years we never really got much past 30-35 kids.  Tonight, the first night, there were 59 kids there.  It was wonderful seeing the excitement of those faithful workers as they saw some blessings coming from all their efforts.

Everyone is looking forward to Day 2 just to see what God is going to do.  Thank you for praying!


VBS Again!!!!

We’re here.  A safe trip to Tyler, TX, and now we are moved in to the church and ready to begin VBS at Green Acres Baptist Church South Campus.  We have been here several times and are blessed to be back!  We have the privilege of repeating many churches and it’s exciting when you develop relationships/friendships instead of the normal “downside” of a traveling ministry when everyone is a stranger each week.

We will begin tomorrow night and look forward to seeing what God is going to do.  We appreciate your prayers and will stay in touch!


Family Night in Style

Last night was the VBS commencement service at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Forest, MS. It was a wonderful night that began with a profession of faith. Yep, you heard me, began with a decision to follow Christ.

Before everyone arrived, a little guy that had made a decision on Wednesday came to the pastor and tol him about his cousin who had wanted to come forward earlier in the week but didn’t. The pastor asked if his cousin was there at the church yet and he was so he came in to see the pastor and prayed to receive Christ. Pretty cool to see the flag and Bible bearers consists of the 3 boys who made professions of faith that week.

We really received a special surprise at the conclusion of the service. There is a woodworking craftsman in the church. A new Christian who is fired up to serve. In appreciation of our service to the church, we were presented a hand crafted wooden (varnished cedar) cross that is absolutely beautiful and would be just as easily seen mounted in a church. We are so blessed. How thoughtful.

Following all the festivities, we loaded and drove on to Yazoo City, arriving around 10:30 p.m. This morning was “yard day” at Mr. Shurley’s house. We cut the yard and trimmed all the shrubbery. We will stay the night and leave out first thing tomorrow morning for round 3 of VBS in Tyler, TX.

Thank you for remembering us. Pry for hearts to be opened! We will be in touch!


Decisions for Christ

It was a sweet service tonight at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, VBS, as we saw 2 children receive Christ as Lord! Thank you Lord!

We appreciate your continued prayers as we do the work and follow up on some other decisions made tonight. The attendance has been good and the energy of the kids exceptional!

We began VBS on Sunday night so our “Day 5” is tomorrow and Family night will be Friday.

I’ll be in touch!


Going Great

We haven’t had the crowd of kids the church had hoped but I’m not sure any church, doesn’t at some time or another, wish for more kids. Several churches in the surrounding area are doing their VBS as well so there are numerous choices for kids in the area to participate.

They are picking up on the music, my voice is holdng out pretty well and they are enjoying my “friends each evening. We will be presenting an invitation tomorrow night and would appreciate your prayers for clarity and no distractions.

Everything else is going well!


Pulling Out

What a week it’s been!  So much to do it’s been non-stop in prep work for upcoming ministry and along with the usual “around the house” things but we are now ready.  I have back to back VBS events first in MS then TX, then a family day outside of Ft. Worth.  We would appreciate your prayers for lives to be changed, for vocal and physical strength and safety for all the travel.

Once we return from TX, I will have 3 days before heading out on the camp schedule.  Kid’s camps have been regular events for this ministry since the ministry’s inception and we always look forward to this time.  So, this week has been full of the preparation of music and messages for this phase of ministry.  I simply knew I couldn’t get it all done in those 3 days.

Patty’s dad is doing ok.  He is checking his blood sugar everyday as his body deals with the Prednisone.  His spirit is pretty good right now and we are praying that God will have His will and way and give us His peace to trust.

So, we are off to Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Forest, MS.  Pray!


Friday in Yazoo City

Hi friends,

We appreciate you remembering us and this ministry as we continue the work.  Although we had no decisions today, we praise the Lord for the 4 professions of faith we saw this week.  The numbers were good for attendance and the kids whose excitement never waned.  Things closed out at noon today with the announcement that the little group of 100 kids had given $1403 for Oklahoma Relief.  How cool is that?  They were so excited!  I’m sure the fact that the guy summer intern was going to have to take a pie in the face from the girl intern because in the battle of the pink and blue offering buckets, the pink won out by $84.  A great week.

Well, the cancer seems to be coming back once again in the way of a tumor in Mr. Shurley’s neck.  This is the way it has manifested itself the two previous times.  His meeting with the oncologist today revealed that although the tumor appeared to be coming back, his blood work looked good.  So, here’s the plan.  The Dr wants to attempt to arrest the growth of the tumor with Prednisone.  While the absence of chemo or radiation is certainly good news, the steroid will affect his blood sugar so it looks like he’ll be getting back on his insulin injections.

We are going to stay around a few extra days to get things in order before moving on.  Thank you for your love and support!


2 and Counting

Thank for your prayers as we saw 2 children come to Christ this morning.  There were several more children that  responded and are being followed up on these next few days.  If you would join us in praying for their hearts and the leadership involved in helping them we would appreciate it.

Patty’s dad is doing well.  We really pray that his oncologist appointment coming up Friday will be positive.  We know that God has it in His hands and for that we are very grateful.

We’ll keep you posted!

VBS, Full On

We finished our 2nd day of VBS today.  It’s a nice group of kids and lots of energy.  Yesterday’s kickoff was as good a first day as one could hope.  Of course, all the motions of all the songs has proven a bit overwhelming at first but the kids always get it before us adults.  Ha ha     I’m just praying I don’t “pull a hammie” (hamstring) with all the dancing.  Oooops, I mean “interpretive movements”, er, I mean, “foot fellowship”, uh, never mind.  Oh, those Baptist….Just kidding gang, things are going well.

We would appreciate your prayers, particularly for tomorrow’s service.  You know that on Wed we typically have a decision service and I will be conducting that time.  Pray for clarity in the message, for hearts to be open and receptive and for those doing the counseling.  Desernment on their part is of utmost importance.

Thanks again for checking in,