Another Day in Paradise

I say that with a wink-wink, nod-nod, and a chuckle here or there.  It’s been “Honey do this…Honey do that”!  Please Lord, send me on the road once again.

The kids/family event in Pinckard, AL, went really well last night.  The folks were responsive and seemed to really be attentive.  I pray that although there was no movement during the invitation that the seed planted will grow in each heart and life.

Each morning I’ve spent with the yard.  As you can imagine, with our travel schedule like it’s been, basic things like trimming limbs, pruning certain shrubbery,  and overall weeding and decluttering.  I’m taking each morning and doing that and in the afternoon preparing and rehearsing  for the next event.  So, all in all, staying really busy.

We will head out this weekend for another family emphasis.  This time it’s an Awesome August Service at Ephesus Baptist Church in Forest, MS.  I’m honored and blessed to kick off this August series for them this year and this first Sunday is focused on the Family.  I will lead worship and preach in the morning service and present more of a relaxed family concert event for the evening.

On the homefront, Patty’s dad seems to be tolerating his new series of chemo treatments pretty well.  The application is by injection and is half of what it was last time that was so difficult on him.  The good thing is that it seems easier on him.  The down side would be that any evidence of tumor reduction will be considerably slower.  All in all, we are just fine right now with things.  We will continue to balance this area of our lives with the ministry side and will be driving through Yazoo City and staying several days at a time just to see that things go well.

We appreciate your prayers and support.  You are a blessing!

August Already?


I want to thank you for your prayers on behalf of our summer schedule.  What a blessing to see so many children come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!  Your prayers on behalf of my voice and strength were heard and our closing service of the summer really went well.  We have made it home and are doing what we can to shape things up here but at the same time take a little time to rest and recoup before heading out again.

It’s Pinkard, AL, on Tuesday, July 30.  At 6:30 p.m., FBC, I will be doing a service (concert) geared for the family at their annual Terrific Tuesday’s done in July each year.  I’m looking forward to seeing God work in the hearts and lives of all who attend.

While doing yard work today, my thoughts went back to a conversation I had with a Lawn Treatment business.  A few years ago, I waved the white flag of surrender over various weeds and lack of quality stand of grass.  I had been trying Weed and Feed treatments and things like that and applying them myself but finally, after seeing little positive results, decided to contact a professional company to come in and begin treatments.
We saw improvement in basic areas almost immediately.  What a relief to see.  However, after about 3 years of regularly scheduled treatments, there are parts of the yard that actually look worse.  So, here’s where I’m going with all this.  We recently called in one of the company’s “consultants” to see what we needed to do to get things looking better.  He looked and said… “Oh, what you’ve got here is “so n so” and I responded, “didn’t I get that treatment in the last application?”  His response; “No, that’s a separate application”.  And then he notices a different issue.  “You’ve got “this” here and that’s not good.  “We’ve got an application for that as well.”  It seems that every problem my yard has, has a separate application and therefore a different fee.  Never mind that I have the yard treated for various and sundry things every couple of months.
When it comes to receiving the Holy Spirit…How is your salvation playing out?  You see, I come across so many that I feel like if I said something about them going on a mission trip, I might get a similar response.  “No, that’s a separate application of the Holy Spirit and I didn’t get that.”  Not true…although we are instructed to grow in the Lord, you don’t receive “part” of the Holy Spirit.  Stop acting like you received LESS of God’s gift than someone else.  God wants to use you for His glory and you are holding Him back!  Get with it!

If you are in the Pinkard, AL, area tomorrow night, I sure would love to see you.  6:30 p.m., FBC!



Decision Day at Camp

Hi friends,

We saw 7 decisions for Christ this morning at camp.  Thank you Lord!  It’s been a little difficult with it being an outdoor worship venue but God used everything today in a special way.

Another key example……this morning I was using one of my friends.  The Armor of God is the focal point of the week.  Today’s emphasis is the Helmet of Salvation and the Shield of Faith.  I was using one of my friends and before the skit was over I went into the story of Jonah with him.  Have anything in common with Salvation or Faith?  Yeah, to a point but that wasn’t the original direction for me.  While we are still singing and before we get to the ventriloquism, I see a guy walking up to our worship service and he quietly sits in the back.

Following the service, he comes up and introduces himself as pastor of a church and the former youth pastor of the church we are with.  He came out to talk with his former pastor, his mentor, who is obviously running our camp.  He asked how I came about telling the story of Jonah today to go along with everything.  I didn’t have any explanation other than God.  He began telling me that for over 3 weeks he’s been dealing with a call issued from another church and has had no peace.  That the pastor has been praying with him over this.  After we sang, I used my friend and told the story that led into Jonah.  He said that as I began that story, his mouth dropped and God assured Him of His calling.

How about that?  So, God saved some little guys today and worked in a pastor’s heart to trust Him and go to “Nineveh”.  Thank you Lord!

As a matter of prayer, my voice is really struggling right now.  My desire is to finish this camp season strong and I would appreciate your prayers that I may do so.  I have a service tonight, one tomorrow and a service Sunday morning so please pray.  God is at work…

On the homefront, Patty’s dad is not feeling any ill effects from his first chemo treatment.  Thank you for your prayers there too!  I’ll try to keep you up on everything!


In His Hands

It was a rather somber call today from the oncologist after she examined Mr. Shurley (Patty’s dad) again.  The tumor(s) have grown considerably faster than she imagined or expected so another round of chemo is on the way for the 91 year old.  Obviously, we were hoping for something easier on his system but this is it.  He began with his first injection today following the exam and will do so, once a week, for the first 4 weeks then after examination will go to one injection every 3 weeks.  The oncologist has stated that either the cancer or the drug will eventually end his life but she truly believes this new plan of treatment will help more than hurt.  God is in control and for that we are truly grateful.  Our balance between home/parents/and ministry continues to be a part of our lives right now but with His perfect plan, it’s all good!

The summer ministry continues going extremely well as we see kids coming to Christ in service after service.  It’s a wonderful thing, of course, and very encouraging to us.  We begin camp tomorrow in south MS and will run through Saturday morning.  We will spend Saturday night there and will lead the a.m. service on Sunday at Clear Branch Baptist Church before heading home.

I finished the last series of camps with vocal fatigue and was on vocal rest (no speaking) for 3 days.  I’m feeling “ok” right now and we’ll see what God has in store.  Pray for strength to do the work.  Lot’s of kids need to hear!



It’s called Summer Music and Arts Camp for Kids and is sponsored by the MS Baptist Convention.  It was really quite amazing.  The camp began with registration on Monday afternoon.  With games, worship services, and group meetings aside, the kids managed to memorize a musical, drama and all, and present it Thursday night for family and friends.  The different worship arts included voice, interpretive movement, drama, puppets, black light expression, rhythm instruments, keyboard and handbells.  The kids signed up for one of these and for 1 hr on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, worked on a designated song within the musical and thus became a part of the overall presentation.  The kids just did a super job.

There were two worship services a day and the kids were very responsive to everything I did.  Because each church had one of their staff members present, we did not have an altar call, as such, but rather encouraged them to talk with that staff member or leader.  Although I wasn’t given a precise number of professions of faith, I was told there were “numerous” decisions for Christ.  I’m so grateful!

We are going to be hermits for the next several days as I have been placed on self imposed vocal rest.  I have nothing left but a very deep and raspy voice.  With yet another camp beginning next week, I am staying put, trying to get as much rest as possible and preparing for His plan next week.

On the Yazoo City front, the doctor has not come up with a treatment plan for Patty’s dad.  He went over, as you are aware, to Jackson to find out the plan of attack and the doctor wanted one more week.  So…………he was given a stronger dose of Prednisone, of which we aren’t particularly pleased, and scheduled to go back this Tuesday, the 23rd, when he WILL, according to the doc, receive a treatment of some sort.  The tumor is still evident as is the feeling of a new tumor in the front of his throat.  We sure would be grateful for your prayers on his behalf and for the doctor.  Thank you.

Well, that’s about it.  Thank you for checking in with us and keeping us in your prayers!

Waiting for Info

Hi again, friends.  I’m writing you from Yazoo City as I complete the last of the 3 day layover before driving to Hattiesburg, MS, and the campus of William Carey University.  The school is hosting the MS Baptist Convention’s S.M.A.C.K. (summer music and arts camp for kids) where I will be leading the worship services and teaching a track time on puppetry.  Pray for God to move and hearts to be obedient to His Word.

Patty will be with me but we will be waiting to hear the oncologist’s plan of treatment for her dad.  I’ve told you that his cancer, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma has surfaced once again and with the visible swelling in the neck area, Dr. Young has been formulating a plan of attack and will share that at an appointment tomorrow afternoon.  Understandably, Patty will be working with me a bit distracted but really wants to be with me.  We will be in touch with the Dr as soon as the appt is over and go from there.  It’s in God’s hands.

It’s been quite a summer thus far and we are grateful for the strength and safety through all the presentations and travel.  Your prayers are a big part of that and we thank you so very much!



Hi friends,

Well, it was a nice week outside Dyersburg, TN, for the annual Dyer Baptist Association’s Kids Camp.  We were lodged in a cabin that was very nice but no wi-fi or television and barely any cell service.  Yep, there are still some places with that kind of solitude.  It was nice in many ways but when just about all the ministry communications and such are by internet, it was a little weird.

It was a small group of children that all seemed to really have a great time.  The leadership is really trying to build this camp, this being the second year of existence, and so they had me come in to create a little excitement.  There was one profession of faith that I am aware of and several others that were being dealt with.  We pray that the seed planted with come to harvest.

Today we drove to Yazoo City.  We are hoping to get Patty’s dad into the oncologist tomorrow.  The tumor in his throat, as a result of the non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, has increased dramatically in size just in the last couple of days.  We already knew the cancer had returned and were told to keep an eye on the tumor before the next consultation.  Well, it wasn’t scheduled until August 7 or so…that is why the urgency to get him in for examination.  I guess if we had a request at this point, it is to pray that the clinic calls tomorrow.  From there, well, we don’t know.  We are hoping that Patty will be back in the truck with me on Monday when we head to Hattiesburg, MS, for the Mississippi Baptist Summer Music and Arts Camp where I will be camp pastor for the week.

We will try and keep you informed and appreciate your prayers as we continue fulfilling His plan.


It’s a Matter of The Calling

“I could never do what you do”, the preacher said.  He was referring to life on the road and living out of a suitcase.  Arriving home one evening, immediately going through the bookkeeping and processing any love offerings given that past road trip, making sure bills are taken care of and household/lawn stuff the next day or two before loading up the same suitcases with freshly washed clothes, reloading the truck and walking out, once again, for a week or 2 or 3.

I respond the same way just about every time.  “I couldn’t do what you do either, pastor.  It’s a matter of the calling.”  The call of the road ministry is no more special than any other calling.  Whether you are in full time, bi-vocational  ministry or a lay ministry.  Except for today.

It’s days like this where I struggle. Yesterday I got word that a good friend, a member of our Life Group (small group that meets on Sunday nights), an active member of  Hillcrest, and most importantly one of the strongest walks of faith I’ve ever seen, went home to be with the Lord.  Lynn White has been battling a rare cancer who’s name is longer than the 2 previous paragraphs and has been on this experimental treatment, flying to Boston as often as once a month.  It has been experimental because of the lack of test group, this cancer is so rare.

For almost 3 years, I suppose, he’s fought this nasty infliction, all the while teaching youth Sunday School lessons but lessons that went considerably deeper.  I imagine the list of those he HASN’T made an impact on during this journey is shorter than one might think.

Now for my struggle.  I received a call that his dear wife, June, had ask if I would play TAPS at the memorial service for Lynn on Monday.  The calling has me on the road at a Kid’s Camp in TN.  Would Lynn want me to change my plans?  Not a chance!  Would June?  No way.  That doesn’t change the heartfelt sorrow though.  The feeling of not being a part of a great church and church family happens at times.  It’s just the nature of being gone all the time.  Hillcrest does what they can as often as they can to remind and encourage us but this is one of those times where there are no words.

Hey, don’t get me wrong…it’s the calling.  I’m ok with that…just venting a bit.  Please be in prayer for the Lynn White family.  June, his wife, and two sons David and Adam.

We will pull out for Dyersburg, TN, early Sunday morning.  We love and appreciate you and ask that you pray for this upcoming camp season.  This is, many times, the most fruitful time of ministry we will have all year so pray for open hearts!  On a side bar, I’ve been told that this upcoming camp will not have any internet access and little cell service but I will do my best to keep you informed!
