Silence is……..

I know the word there is Golden but it’s been difficult to say the least.  It’s vocal rest…silence…aggravating…silence…My voice just hasn’t bounced back as it has in the past.  Very frustrating!  I know God is in control and I am grateful for that.  It seems like He gives me just what I need to give my presentation and not more.  This hasn’t been the case in the past and this longer recovery time isn’t what I’m used to as well.  Yesterday and today have been spent very, very quietly.  Of course the down side of this is I can’t rehearse.  The horn puts stress there also so it’s out.  Join us as we pray.  This upcoming week of ministry, beginning Saturday night will be a demanding one.  Thanks!

Patty’s dad is continuing to do well and we rejoice in that and appreciate your prayers on his behalf.
