Safe arrival

Hey gang,
Thanks. We made it home safely. I’m working on wrapping up office work and Patty is packing for her flight to San Antonio. As you recall, my sister-in-law had surgery today, is doing well, and Patty is going out to help for about 10 days. I will drive her to the airport tomorrow, come home, then head to Mathews, LA.
I told you I was going to have the opportunity to “repay” my friend for all the help with my flooring. He is doing some house makeover stuff and I thought this would be a great opportunity for me. Well, being a bi-vocational pastor and seeing my abilities with tools, he has decided that the best way I can help him is if I do his Wednesday night service. What can I say? I might not be able to work with my hands but I can talk without my lips moving!
As that great theologian, Clint Eastwood, once said… “A man has to know his limitations.”
On Saturday, I will drive up from Mathews to Poplarville, MS, for revival services that begin Sunday.
Thanks for the prayers,