Odds and Ends

It was an odds and ends type day as I slept in just a bit after a long day yesterday, then changed the oil in the truck before heading into the office to get some work done.
We had a flooring guy come in today to see why some of our wood flooring seems to be blistering. Found a great deal of moisture under the area where the blisters are. Went outside to see that the gutter downspout is feeding into a low area and once the ground gets saturated, the slab takes in the moisture. Soooooo, the next thing is to extend the downspout out beyond the house and build up the dirt area close to the house hoping this will fix things. The guy told us we were to let this area dry about 2 months and he would come back to do another moisture reading. If the moisture has decreased to a normal range, the company would come in, take out the damaged pieces and replace them.
I went to the office following that wonderful bit of news to work on a piece of music I’ve rescored for our Christmas presentation. The choir has been working on this piece for a little while and I haven’t heard a significant amount of improvement so I am redoing it to have for a special rehearsal Tuesday night.
I’d like to walk 9 holes on the golf course tomorrow afternoon if I can. It will be my first time swinging a club since my Oct. 5 knee surgery.
We’ll see.
Thanks for checking in. We appreciate your prayers,