Ahhhh, calm before the storm

It’s been a relatively quiet day with a little Christmas decorating and football going on. And just a little Christmas music work which, by the way is the storm part of this blog.
Beginning tomorrow, it will be crazy. I will have my usual Sunday with an early rehearsal and 2 services. At 2:00 I have a tech run through with the music, then a retirement reception of one of my choir members. At 5:30 we have a staff Christmas party.
Then Monday….here we go. The lighting company comes in around noon and we have a 6:30 dress rehearsal with everyone. Tuesday will be another rehearsal with orchestra and tech crew. Then on Wednesday a regular mid week service but no rehearsal. On Thursday we’ll go through everything again, only no brass.
On Friday at 7:00, Saturday, and Sunday at 7:00. Whew!
Everything is coming together nicely. Sure would appreciate your prayers for all areas of the ministry. There are allergies, colds and the like affecting some of our folks then you have the “glitches” that come with all the tech work we’ll have going on so if you could lift a prayer for those things too that would be wonderful.
Finally, just the physical strength to handle this week and all it presents.