Hi friends,
I appreciate your support and prayers. Thank you for checking in on us. I wanted to take a minute in the midst of a large workload to give you “this week’s” blog. After you read, you’ll see why.
First, our weekend in Anniston, AL, went well. I attended the contemporary service on Sunday morning then while the traditional service was going on, I led the Kids Worship time in their building. The kids were responsive and were little sponges!
Sunday evening I was the feature at the church’s UPWARD Basketball Awards Night. Again, the crowd was responsive. We pray that the seeds planted will grow.
Working with Hillcrest in the interim time was a blessing but appears now that my decision to work through January then immediately get back into this ministry has proven very difficult. Add to it the ailing parents and I am living with the sensation of “spinning plates” like a carnival act with several of the plates slowing to a wobble about to crash. I’m thankful that God is faithful and through His strength, “all things work to good.” Dad has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow and we’ve arranged for someone to help mom get his there. He is continue a downward trend and his legs, although strong, just simply are not receiving the message from his brain to move correctly. I’m not sure what mom is hoping to get from this visit but with the echo-cardiogram and consult with the Dr., maybe she’ll move closer to the reality of the situation and receive some valuable advice on his care.
I’m working feverishly on my messages for the March revivals in which I am both preaching and leading worship. The preparation is not leaving me anytime to work on new music or skits. Right now my schedule has me working messages through the day and rehearsing my horns at night and if there is time, a little solo work.
Just pray for strength and balance in it all that He may be glorified.
Now, back to work!