Wednesday, VBS

It was another good day with the kids at Yazoo City. Of course this, being Wed of VBS, is the first decision day of the week. There were no actual professions of faith today but many were counseled so we pray we will see fruit from that in the days ahead.

The kids continue to be responsive to the music and my friends and of course, to their Flight Leader. Ha ha.

We would appreciate your prayers as we continue this work.


Tuesday, VBS

Well, the kids are beginning to get it now so it’s getting fun as they continue learning the songs and Bible stories.

It’s kind of hilarious just talking with the kids and hearing reports from their teachers. Each morning as the kids are coming in, I am standing on the platform with my flight helmet/dark shield on which I take off as soon as all have entered.

The VBS leader came up after the opening session and told me about a question she was asked by a 1st grader. “Mrs Barton, is Darth Vader going to be here today?”. Yep…sometimes they get it, sometimes not so much.

I have 2 flight suits loaned to me, one sand color, the other olive. Wore sand yesterday, olive today. A 3rd grader asked; “are you going to wear the same thing everyday?”. Ha ha Gotta love it.

Tomorrow, of course, is the first decision day. We would appreciate your prayethe that the kids will truly GET IT if they forget everything else!


Day One, Aviation Wonders

Fun today. As with most VBS first days, things were a little later getting started but we soon got on schedule. It was a nice group of kis for the first day. We had 70 kids on day one and a good balance of ages.

The kids seem to really pick up on the music pretty well so we will feed off that energy tomorrow and see what God does.

A friend of mine loaned me a flight suit and helmet and the kids thought that was awesome. I thought it was pretty cool too!

Pray that I can keep all the motions straight! Ha ha ha. It’s crazy, for sure, and the kids are following everything I do so I need to be a little more accurate!


Arrived and Set

It was a good trip so thanks for the prayers. Kinda tough doing a 7 1/2 hr trip as the first trip after time off but it’s all good.

We arrived just after 4 p.m. and got everything set up for tomorrow’s service and VBS. I will be doing a couple of things in the service as well as preaching. Quite an honor filling the pulpit that dad had for 30 years.

Mom “killed the fatted pig” as she said it since I came. She prepared ribs! Ha ha. Needless to say she is excited about my stay this week as am I.

I’ll try and keep you posted this week about everything going on!



Everybody join in! “On the road again…” we loaded and organized most everything last night and will complete the loading process this morning in time to pull out around 9 a.m.

The plan is to arrive in Yazoo City about 4:30 to move in and set up equipment for Vacation Bible School. Tomorrow morning I will have a large part of the morning service then VBS will begin Monday morning.

We appreciate your prayers for our travel and ministry while there.


Memorial Day

Hi friends,

Thanks for checking in on this holiday.  I appreciate your thoughts of us and am blessed to have such friends.  I’ve always been so grateful for our men and women who serve our country so faithfully and am thankful especially for all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for you and for me.  “Greater love hath no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friend.”  Bless them and their family.

It’s on days like this that I think of my uncle Ted.  I never met him.  He was a tank driver in WWII and was killed when the tank he was driving ran over an uncharted mine field.  The weekend has been filled with stories of service and heroism and I thank the Lord for these individuals.

We’ve spent the day in an easy going fashion.  I had an early tee time with 3 of the guys and Patty did a little flower work which she has really gotten into this month.  This afternoon I have spent some time with my VBS music and am about to light up the grill for a little hamburger action.  I’ll be cooking for our neighbors who look after our place while we’re on the road.

May God bless you as you seek to serve!

Work and Play

Well, I decided to take a break from the VBS materials and hit a few golf balls.  So, I met up with a couple of friends early this morning and walked 18.  It was nice only getting hot toward the end of the morning.  My plan was golf then irrigation repair.  Did I mention I had a blown pipe that needed repair?  Depending on the location, this is more times than not, a fairly quick fix.  Ordinarily, that is.  I began work on the area and completed the work at 4 p.m.  Yuck.  Hot, tired, and exhausted…I’ve decided to decline an offer to meet several of my buds on the course in the morning and instead, get busy with VBS.  I’m just tired today and don’t believe I’ll be doing much on the music tonight.

I pray you have a good holiday weekend and in the midst of all the activities and good food, don’t forget to thank the Lord for all the brave men and women who have gone before us and given their lives for your freedoms.


Wednesday in Enterprise

The day began with a little golf with a bud.  Following that I began studying for the evening worship and choir rehearsal.  Our new worship leader has yet to move his family here because of the school year.  He has a son graduating from high school so he took off after Sunday services and is spending the week in his previous residence.  I led worship tonight and choir rehearsal.  I always enjoy that time so it was good to be back.

The “Front Door Guy” stopped by today to get final measurements.  Patty will go now and finalize the order.  From there we hear it’s about a 30 day deal to get the door in.  We’ll see.

Tomorrow, in keeping with the “getting things done while we’re home” theme, we have dentist appointments in the morning.  After that, it will be VBS time again.  It’s coming along but because of the past two days activities, I’ve put it on the back burning.  Moving up now!!

Thanks for checking in!

It’s Tuesday………all Day!

I guess I could say; “Same song, different verse”.  That’s how everything began today.  We expected to receive a call early this morning from the flooring guys telling us they were on the way.  That didn’t happen!  Patty wanted to get in a walk so I stayed in until she got back so we wouldn’t miss the call then once she completed her walk, she stayed in and I did yard work.  I was part way finished when she came out to tell me the owner of the flooring company had called to apologize and to say that the workers would be at the house at 11:00.  We had a luncheon at the church, scheduled for 11:30.  Being on staff, I felt I needed to go so I did and Patty stayed at home.

I got a text from her at 12:25 telling me she had received a call and they were on their way.  Hey, an hour and a half late but at least they were on the way.  Everything was completed at 4:00 p.m.  It looks good and we pray there are no other episodes.  We’d like to do things on OUR priority list, not the houses, if you know what I mean.  Nevertheless, we thank the Lord for providing.

Following the luncheon, I went through the slides for tomorrow night’s worship service.  Our worship pastor is off this week and I am leading worship and choir practice tomorrow night.  Everything’s good to go now.

As far as VBS…well, it was put on the back burner today.  Guess I’ll get back on it tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in,

Monday, Monday….

Ha, as the song goes, it was Monday.  This morning, around 7:30, I received a call from the flooring place that they wanted to come on out and knock out the repair on the damaged section of our floor wood floors.  (long story but seems to be about to be taken care of)  Anyway, we did everything to prep for their arrival.  It’s now 20 minutes to 4 p.m. and my guess is they aren’t showing today.  What do you think?  Actually, Patty just called and they have scheduled us for tomorrow morning.  Would have been nice to get a phone call but it is what it is.  We may be changing some plans that are in place right now just so we can be here for the repair, we’ll see.  As I said in a previous blog, we are doing a lot of “house” things, some repair, some updating, and this is a necessary part of the time crunch we find ourselves in when we are home such limited time.  Just grateful to be able to take care of some things.

Also stopped by the eye doc this morning for my weekly session as we get closer to the contact/my brain combination I’m making weekly “stop-in’s” and adjustments are being made.  Yesterday while playing my horn in the pit, I had a little trouble reading the music.  It just wasn’t as clear as it is with my glasses from the distance of a music stand.  So, the doc went with yet a different setting and this should do it.  Right now, I’m not fuzzy but am a bit “3D” so……..yech!  All in all, I think it’s better already and I believe this combo is going to work.  Thanks Doc!

VBS is coming along well.  I completed my 4th of 6 songs today so things are going along on schedule.  I’ll begin putting final touches on the Ventriloquism part of the program soon so thanks for the prayers.

And speaking of prayers, we went to our LifeGroup meeting last night and had special prayer for 3 of our dear friends/members.  Some serious cancer has invaded the group and all 3 are good friends with very serious issues.  Please remember Lynn (he is going through experimental treatments), Gary, and Joan.

Blessings my friends,