Ha, as the song goes, it was Monday. This morning, around 7:30, I received a call from the flooring place that they wanted to come on out and knock out the repair on the damaged section of our floor wood floors. (long story but seems to be about to be taken care of) Anyway, we did everything to prep for their arrival. It’s now 20 minutes to 4 p.m. and my guess is they aren’t showing today. What do you think? Actually, Patty just called and they have scheduled us for tomorrow morning. Would have been nice to get a phone call but it is what it is. We may be changing some plans that are in place right now just so we can be here for the repair, we’ll see. As I said in a previous blog, we are doing a lot of “house” things, some repair, some updating, and this is a necessary part of the time crunch we find ourselves in when we are home such limited time. Just grateful to be able to take care of some things.
Also stopped by the eye doc this morning for my weekly session as we get closer to the contact/my brain combination I’m making weekly “stop-in’s” and adjustments are being made. Yesterday while playing my horn in the pit, I had a little trouble reading the music. It just wasn’t as clear as it is with my glasses from the distance of a music stand. So, the doc went with yet a different setting and this should do it. Right now, I’m not fuzzy but am a bit “3D” so……..yech! All in all, I think it’s better already and I believe this combo is going to work. Thanks Doc!
VBS is coming along well. I completed my 4th of 6 songs today so things are going along on schedule. I’ll begin putting final touches on the Ventriloquism part of the program soon so thanks for the prayers.
And speaking of prayers, we went to our LifeGroup meeting last night and had special prayer for 3 of our dear friends/members. Some serious cancer has invaded the group and all 3 are good friends with very serious issues. Please remember Lynn (he is going through experimental treatments), Gary, and Joan.
Blessings my friends,