Marching On

The road preparations are continuing and although it appears as though I will be heading out this weekend not fully prepared, I know I have done everything possible on my “earthly vessel” side of things and am confident He will bless all the effort and be glorified.

Dad’s doctor appointment yesterday revealed fluid surrounding the heart, steady fibrillation (or something like that, even with a pacemaker) and a need for more oxygen throughout the day. Mom said that he woke yesterday and was really “confused” so she administered the oxygen and things got somewhat better. In the past, the oxygen has been used only during the night to help him sleep. Now we are trying to obtain another unit so as not to have to move the large unit from the bedroom for daily use. Just another sign of his decline.
Mom sounds terrible. She’s developed a head cold but is self medicating for fear of leaving him. Pray that she will feel a freedom and even an urgency to call and get someone to sit there long enough to go to the doc herself. When I’m there it will be the weekend and no good. Trying to handle things from here is nothing but frustrating.

Obviously, if you are reading this, you cared enough to check in on the latest developments and are praying for us. We are so grateful. God is still on His throne and He will receive the glory in everything.

Pressing on!

Proving Quite Difficult

Hi friends,
I appreciate your support and prayers. Thank you for checking in on us. I wanted to take a minute in the midst of a large workload to give you “this week’s” blog. After you read, you’ll see why.
First, our weekend in Anniston, AL, went well. I attended the contemporary service on Sunday morning then while the traditional service was going on, I led the Kids Worship time in their building. The kids were responsive and were little sponges!
Sunday evening I was the feature at the church’s UPWARD Basketball Awards Night. Again, the crowd was responsive. We pray that the seeds planted will grow.

Working with Hillcrest in the interim time was a blessing but appears now that my decision to work through January then immediately get back into this ministry has proven very difficult. Add to it the ailing parents and I am living with the sensation of “spinning plates” like a carnival act with several of the plates slowing to a wobble about to crash. I’m thankful that God is faithful and through His strength, “all things work to good.” Dad has a cardiologist appointment tomorrow and we’ve arranged for someone to help mom get his there. He is continue a downward trend and his legs, although strong, just simply are not receiving the message from his brain to move correctly. I’m not sure what mom is hoping to get from this visit but with the echo-cardiogram and consult with the Dr., maybe she’ll move closer to the reality of the situation and receive some valuable advice on his care.
I’m working feverishly on my messages for the March revivals in which I am both preaching and leading worship. The preparation is not leaving me anytime to work on new music or skits. Right now my schedule has me working messages through the day and rehearsing my horns at night and if there is time, a little solo work.
Just pray for strength and balance in it all that He may be glorified.

Now, back to work!

Big Day in Anniston

The day began early today as we went to the contemporary worship service held at 8:15 each Sunday.
Following that service we did a little visiting before getting ready for Kids Worship at 10:45. Had a great time with the kids. After a late lunch we headed to the church to set up for the UPWARDS Award Program. Lots of folks made the night fun!
We are about to crash now. We will go and load equipment in the morning and head home. Lots to do this week!

Safe at Home

Hi friends,
We appreciate your prayers. We’ve arrived home and are probably destined for an early bedtime because of the exhausting last few days.
Tomorrow and Friday will be designated to study and prep for the upcoming revivals. We love and appreciate your remembrance of us!

Difficult but Rewarding

Thank you for your continued prayers. I’m grateful for the time I’ve had with mom and dad but it is very difficult seeing him shrinking away both physically and mentally. There are times he does pretty well and can even carry a bit of conversation but for the most part those days are gone.
He struggles with muscle function. That is as noticeable as anything and just as difficult to witness. The brain just is not communicating with his muscles in every aspect which makes dignity come into play on a regular basis. I’m grateful for this time I’ve been here but it is a must that I get home and continue my preparation for the 3 upcoming revival meetings I have in March, the first beginning on February 29th.
Mom seems to be holding up pretty well and her attitude (which has a “smidge” of denial in it) is helping her day in and day out! She wants to keep dad here at the house as long as possible knowing that he will do much better here than anywhere else.

Tomorrow we will drive home so we appreciate your prayers on all fronts!

Sunday in Bastrop

A wonderful day began with a sound check at 8:30 and just ended. The people of First Baptist may be fewer than in past years but they are sweet, gracious and receptive. It was several years ago when the church ran over 600 in Sunday School and then International Paper closed down. This took many professional jobs as well as workers. Many, being young couples, moved on to find other work and now the church is running a fraction of that number but they are very dedicated and striving to find new ways to grow and reach the community.
The morning service included one of my friends early then I played my horn for the offertory and sung for the “special”
Tonight’s banquet was well attended and fun as the Church Lady and the Professor showed up.
Tomorrow we will go to the Senior Adult Luncheon tomorrow and speak followed by a trip to Yazoo City to check in on parents. We sure appreciate the prayers as we continue our schedule and try to attend to parents.



Last nights banquet in Poplarville, MS, was a fun event and well attended. We enjoyed our time with friends there and after completing the program and loading up we headed to our nights lodging to ready for Saturday’s travel.
We pulled out this morning and headed to Bastrop, LA, north of Monroe about 25 miles. We arrived at 4 p.m. and moved equipment into both the sanctuary (for the a.m. service tomorrow) and the family life center for the big banquet tomorrow night.
Keep in touch,

Road Trip

We’ll be heading out this morning for the first of 3 stops this trip. We are headed to Poplarville, MS, (close to the gulf coast of MS) for a Valentine Banquet. We will spend the night there before heading on to Bastrop, LA, on Saturday. When we arrive in Bastrop we will set up then get settled for the evening. I will be participating in the morning service then doing a church wide banquet Sunday evening. On Monday I will speak at the senior adult luncheon before loading up and driving to Yazoo City.
We’ll be checking in on parents and helping where we can for a couple of days before returning home.
We appreciate the prayers. Looks like we’ll be driving into some storms today!

Teacher Banquet

I was a good night tonight with the “I Love My Teacher” banquet at Hillcrest. For a number of years now, the Children’s Ministry has recognized school teachers in the area by asking our kids (family church members) to invite their favorite teacher to a night of good food and entertainment. Just a fun night.
I was asked to provide the entertainment this year so I put a few things together and although some of the material was “so-so”, most of it was fun and the teachers were responsive and appreciative.
I’ll spend the next couple of days in preparation for the upcoming Valentine banquets and revivals, then we’ll head out first thing Friday morning.

Nothing new to report from parents. Everything is about the same.
Sure appreciate the prayers.


It was a good day today as we headed to Dothan to set up and perform for an UPWARDS basketball program. It was a really good group and the auditorium was almost full by the time the families filled in after the teams and cheerleaders.
This week proves to be very busy as I prepare the banquets I have coming up and begin working new music and sermons for the heavy revival schedule coming up.
Nothing much new to report on the home front. Dad is continuing a downward trend and mom is doing everything she can to help him and keep him going.
