A Day of Prep

Today was spent in prep for my upcoming event in Dothan on Sunday. Lots of planning and media preparation that I hope will make everything come together for a great program.

Of course, now that Patty has made it back there were some immediate “honey do’s” that had to get done as well. So, all in all, it was a productive day.

Not much else to tell in the way of parents. Dad continues to struggle and his decline seems to be more noticeable day by day. Patty’s dad is doing really well and we are so very thankful.

Appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

The Dlta

I drove up to the MS delta this morning to speak for a senior adult associational meeting. There was a nice crowd there and Gladys the Church lady, Vern the bird, and the Professor all made it a fun day. I got packed up and headed back to Yazoo around 2 p.m. I arrived back just behind Patty and her dad.
He went to the cardiologist today. He received a good report so Patty is excited that she may be able to get back to Enterprise by the end of the week. It will be the first time she’s been home since Christmas day.
I’ll be taking dad to the dentist tomorrow morning then heading back to Enterprise. Got some prep work for Sunday’s presentation in Dothan to do.

Sure appreciate the prayers,

Dads Appt

I drove mom and dad over to Jackson for his cardio/pacemaker exam. Ordinarily done by phone, mom was hoping that the computer would reveal something. That didn’t happen but hopefully the decision to reduce one med will result in a slight elevation in his blood pressure thus giving a him a little more energy. We’ll see.
I’ll be pulling out for the delta of MS at 8:30 for a luncheon engagement then will head back to Yazoo for the evening.
Patty will be taking her dad to his cardiologist appt tomorrow at noon. Lots of ministry opportunities going on.

Thanking you for your prayers!

Heading Out

Well, the calf has been roped, wrestled, and tied. The stop watch has been stopped and my hands are raised. ( a little rodeo humor )
Today was the last Sunday as interim Worship Pastor at Hillcrest. I am back on the road beginning tonight. Tonight I will be at Catoma Baptist Church in Montgomery for a 5:30 p.m. concert.
Following the concert, I will load and drive to Yazoo City and help mom with dad’s dr appt. on Monday then a Senior Adult Luncheon in the MS delta on Tuesday.

Thanks for keeping in touch and for the prayers as we begin, yet another, season of ministry!

A Blessing

Last night was my last choir rehearsal as the Interim Worship Pastor at Hillcrest. Yes, some of the more sneaky people had plans. Yes, there was a big “thanks” put together with gifts, a fruit tray and giant cake. After we ran through our music for Sunday morning, the festivities began.
The road ministry kicks off this Sunday night. Yep, I will complete the interim this Sunday morning, run home for a quick bite, then head to Montgomery for a late afternoon concert. The concert begins at 5:30, so the plan is to load up following the concert and immediately drive to Yazoo City.
I should arrive, Lord willing, around midnight. Dad has a cardiologist appt in Jackson right after lunch on Monday so I will be helping mom get him there. I appreciate your prayers as we begin the season of our life and ministry.


1 More Sunday

It was a good Sunday, musically, today and we rejoiced seeing 12 professions of faith this weekend in Disciple Now. Lots of energy in the service today, as you can imagine with close to 200 students.

I will begin my road ministry next Sunday evening with a concert in Montgomery. I’ll blog later to give you more specifics on that side of things.

Patty is still ministering to both her dad and my mom. Dad is struggling and continually getting worse so Patty is running errands for my mom when she’s not helping her dad. Fortunately, they live in the same town and this helps her do everything. She really feels this is her ministry and a very needed ministry it is. She said her dad seems to be showing a great deal of reduction in the size of the lymphoma tumor in his neck.

He will go back to the cancer doctor on Wednesday and talk about the next step for his treatment. We sure appreciate your prayers. Looks to be a little bit of a rough road for a while.


The Latest

We are continuing to live separate lives together. Make sense? I guess not but here a attempt to explain.
After Christmas, we drove to Yazoo City as usual. We had made our minds up at that point that Patty would stay with her dad during his cancer treatment and I would come home to complete my interim time with Hillcrest and begin my preparations for the road ministry. This is where we’ve been and although it’s difficult, it’s not a place we’ve never been. You may or not recall that in October of 2010, Patty moved in with her folks to minister to her mom during her brief but terminal illness. Before that it was the early years of my road ministry that Patty had a full time job and I was traveling without her. That was the first 12 years of this ministry and then God opened the door for her to leave her job and travel with me.
As we’ve matured in our walk with Him, we’ve found ourselves being more sensitive of ministry opportunities and, as difficult as some choices may be, being open to those opportunities.
So, this was something that we felt God has placed in our lives and we each have our ministry. It’s just a season and in time will pass but this is where we are.
She has found herself also helping my mother with my dad’s illness. She is meeting real needs there.
Today I did a hospital run with a little visiting then in the office for Wednesday prep. Sure do appreciate your prayers as we continue our ministries to His glory!

Arrived Home

Arrived back home this afternoon from you time away. It was a great little getaway now it’s back to work. I’ll head to the office tomorrow and continue the work with Hillcrest for the next 3 weeks.
I appreciate your prayers as I “finish strong” my time here as interim and then begin all the preparations to head out on the road again.

Last Day

A windy day made things rough on the water today but we managed to pick up a few nice trout and reds and had grilled fish for supper.
It’s really been a nice get-a-way and I appreciate my friends, Rod and Stacy, for opening their home.
I’ll head home tomorrow to continue my obligations with Hillcrest.
The church has called Jamie Baker back as Worship Pastor and he will come on the field Feb 1st.
Dad is continuing to worsen. He has another neurologist appointment on the 16th. At that time mom will hopefully get some guidance as to how best to handle things as they progress.
Patty’s dad is weak but handling the chemo pretty well.
Appreciate the prayers,

Sat and Sun

A fun day on Sat as we spent time in the boat. The fishing results weren’t great but the fishing itself was. We did get enough redfish to grill and will be doing that before the big game tomorrow night.
Today’s service was a blessing as my friends Craig and Jacklyn led in worship and my bud Rod brought the Word. I enjoyed that time.
Tomorrow, Lord willing, we’ll be back in the boat for one last speckled trout run!

Patty is doing well and her dad is taking his treatments really well right now. We appreciate the prayers.
