Hmmm, don’t really know what to say….

It was a busy day today. Something I’ve known or at least suspected for some time now, proved itself today. The Consumer Mentality which we see in society everyday has indeed invaded our churches. “I’m not particularly interested in doing the work but you better bless my socks off everytime I enter or else…”
Geez! Oh that I may be found faithful and not be a stench in my Father’s nostril.
Patty has enjoyed the weather and done a lot of yard work (i.e. flowerbed prep for winter) and everything looks great. She says it’s therapeutic but I tend to disagree! ha ha
In regards to yesterday’s emphasis with Veterans, the worship was wonderful. So thankful for all those who made the extra effort to handle all things and make the day come off so well.
Tomorrow, we’ll start again and see what happens!

Busy Sunday

Typical and in the same mode as other Sunday’s these days. Begins at 8:00 a.m. and goes from there. As a matter of fact, I just got in from the final rehearsal of the day. The Christmas orchestra met tonight ran through the upcoming program and did very well. It should be really good when they meet with the choir on November 28th.
I didn’t have to play in the golf on the Blue team today so my wife is speaking to me…. : )
That was all well and good. I really didn’t have time for that today and would most likely have had to leave before it was over this afternoon anyway to make youth choir rehearsal. That rehearsal went well and the kids are ready to sing Wednesday night.
Another week of prep lies ahead so, again, we appreciate your prayers.

Strife? Could be…….

A fun night tonight at the golf club program. The folks really responded to The Professor and things went well…that is until the club pro told me that one side of the Blue-Grey Battle was one man short. He asked if I could possibly fill the spot. I accepted. Everything was fine until I was informed I would be playing for the Blue team. Only Granny Clampett is more southern than my southern belle so the couch may be my destination tonight! Boy, you try and do someone a favor and that’s the thanks you get! : )
Things are, otherwise, going along fine and with the office closed today, the time at home was nice. A little yard work, a little loritab, and a little golf program and that pretty much sums up the day!

Appreciate you!

Another day and off we go!

Ha, no we aren’t on the road quite yet, but the office is closed tomorrow for Veterans Day. Because we are a military town, the schools and businesses are on basically the same holiday schedule. So, I went in today and worked on getting things secured for the weekend then called it a day.
Last night’s choir rehearsal was “revealing” and showed us how much work we had yet to do on the Christmas music. We are doing well but I thought we were a little further along than it turns out we really are. Oh well, we’ve got direction now so it’s time to shed some wood and get with it.
Tonight, Patty is attending the Build-a-Box “party” at Hillcrest. Lot’s and lot’s of stuff to be placed in boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse ministry. She’s been looking forward to it all.
I have a fun opportunity tomorrow evening. My golf club is having a huge tourney that begins with a “meet and greet” tomorrow night and is played on Saturday and Sunday. Well, the club pro asked me if I would consider doing about a 10-15 minute bit with The Professor as a crowd warmer during this meet and greet time. Should be fun. I’ll let you know.
Thanks for checking in. Sure appreciate you doing so.

Staff Reviews

Evaluations was the theme of the day and things went fine. After that I headed home to do some odd jobs around the house. We have a front moving in as most do around this part of the U.S. and we wanted to get some things done before it arrives. Didn’t get it all done which is the way it is with home projects, at least for me.
Anyway, we’ll get out in the yard first thing in the morning to hopefully wrap this up so I can get in the office to prepare for tomorrow nights service and rehearsal.
Thanks for the prayers,

Nice Morning

Had a friend tell me I just had to get out and walk the golf course for my sanity and my knee rehab so, having caught up on my work at the office over the weekend, I consented to play 9 holes. My knee kinda ached a bit throughout but I knew “rehab” was kinda like that so I kept going. After 9 I had a good score going so I decided to push it a bit. Ended up walking 18 and although I’m a little sore I’m doing okay.
Got some work done this afternoon at the office and have my staff evaluation tomorrow. Always something to look forward to, you know.
Patty has gotten back in full swing here at the house and spent most of the morning in her flower beds. So, life is moving right along.

Thanks for your interest and prayers,

Sunday is……..Sunday

It was Sunday so it was busy as always. Rehearsals begin early and go throughout the day, making for a long day. The service went well as the choir sang a piece; “This is My Destiny”, and just knocked it out of the park. The orchestra held up their part as well complimenting the choir.
Patty made it back from Yazoo at 3:45 this afternoon and I headed to youth choir 45 minutes later. Sure appreciate the prayers on her behalf.
This week, we’ll continue working on the upcoming programs as well as replacing the computer in the sound booth. Don’t worry, those who know me……our tech support is doing the job, not me!

Stay in touch!

Easy Day

I got moving a little slow this morning and enjoyed that. My knee has been bothering me just a bit and that’s been discouraging so I took some of my pain meds yesterday and last night and decided to take it easy.
Around 9 this morning, I got a text that a couple of buds were playing golf at 10 and would love for me to join them. I gave it a shot. The company was great, the golf horrible so when we got to hole #7, I told my friends that I would not be going beyond #9. When we finished the 9th hole, I shook hands and went to the house. Really discouraged at the progress or lack thereof with my knee rehab.
The other side of things are going well. We look to have an exciting time of worship tomorrow with some really good music and some other special interests coming in.
Patty is heading home tomorrow and will leave Yazoo City about the same time her dad heads to Sunday School which is 9:15. I would appreciate your prayers for her safety.


Nice Day

Ahhhhhh, the nice cooler temps are so nice! After the longer last couple of days, I took it easy and didn’t go into the office until around 9 a.m. Worked on some upcoming projects and services before taking the afternoon off. Ran a couple of errands then came on to the house to spend the afternoon just taking it a bit easy and practicing my horn for the holidays.
My knee was a bit bothersome today after walking yesterday so I got my pain med refilled and didn’t do much with it.
Tonight was a bit of fun as I joined 5 buds and went to a local high school playoff game. The “good guys” won so all is right with the world. Ha And more importantly, I didn’t freeze although the air was chilly!
Patty gave a good report from Yazoo but said dad is really existing on very little energy. We are hoping the appointment Tuesday will give some help.
Sure appreciate the prayers!

A Little Therapy

After a late night last night and a very early morning this morning for the prayer time at the church, I decided to do a little therapy on my knee and walked nine holes at the local course. It’s a little aggravating in that my knee is still not ready for 18 holes and has caused me to have to refill my pain killer from the doc. That’s aggravating! How much longer!!
Nevertheless, I enjoyed being out in the cooler temps with a little breeze and lots of sun. It was a nice time.
Refreshed, I went into the office this afternoon for a bit to tie up any loose ends and there you go!
The word from Patty in Yazoo City is that the folks are doing alright. She’s enjoying her visit with her dad and has dropped in on my folks to encourage them. At this time, she plans on driving back on Sunday. Of course that’s all subject to change.
You bless us by checking in. Thanks!